POPs Inventories Module
Part A - Summary of inventory Guidance Documents
A POPs inventory is a compilation of information on past and present production and uses of a chemical listed in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in the country. As many POPs are used in the manufacture of products/articles which may have a long service-life, a comprehensive inventory should also estimate the amount of POP in the products/articles in the country (e.g. in buildings or used by consumers) along the whole life-cycle, thus contributing to the provisions of Article 6 of the Convention on management of waste. An inventory could also address sites which may have been contaminated by production, use, or accidental releases of POPs. The inventory report can be also used for other purposes such as feeding into Article 15 reporting from the COP, development of other projects, and developing effective strategies and action plans for managing POPs to meet the obligations under the Convention (UNEP, 2019a).
The main objective of developing an inventory is to acquire information for the review of the NIP and the various information requirements of the Convention (e.g. Article 15 reporting) (UNEP, 2019a).
More specifically, the objectives are to (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Provide the basis for identification of the national priorities in the NIP (i.e. the quantities of the POP that are produced, used, stored as stockpiles, and generated as waste in the country, identify the important economic sectors and operators and the type of actions required for those sectors, estimate the
capacities needed for implementation, identify sources that should be prioritised);
(b) Identify dispersive uses in open applications that might pose a risk to humans and the environment for prioritisation.
(c) Provide a basis for the evaluation whether the current national use, production, chemical and waste management meet the
requirements of the Convention and identify areas where they do not;
(d) Provide information on the need for specific exemptions or acceptable purposes, if available;
(e) Support Article 15 reporting to the Convention;
(f) Identify the relevant stakeholders in the government, academia, industry, waste management, commerce, NGOs, etc.;
(g) Identify areas where financial or technical support are needed to fill in the information gaps in the inventory/fulfil the obligations of the Convention.
The information to be obtained for the inventory may include (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Amounts of production, import, export at the national level;
(b) Uses of the chemical in the country;
(c) Presence of products/articles consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP on the market and in service;
(d) Imports of products/articles consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP into the country;
(e) Waste streams of importance consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP;
(f) Disposal practices for the POP, products/articles consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP and its related substances when they become wastes;
(g) Stockpiles of the POP;
(h) Releases of the POP into the environment from point sources;
(i) Sites potentially contaminated with the POP;
(j) Potential harmful exposure of humans and environment.
The inventory approach proposed in the guidance is tiered to allow Parties to tailor their inventories according to their needs and capacities, adjusting the scope in the course of work based on the findings. The inventory process is iterative. The inventory can be improved over time when resources and technical capacity become available (UNEP, 2019a).
A multi-stakeholder inventory team consisting of authorities, experts, relevant industries and NGOs should be established to coordinate the work and develop the initial scope and workplan for the inventory. The outcome of the work should be a final report that includes the process, sources, assumptions, estimations, and calculations in a transparent way to facilitate future improvements when new information becomes available (UNEP, 2019a).
The first phase (Tier I) in the inventory is to make an initial assessment on the production and use of the POP in the country based on available information. The outcome could be a literature study complemented with information in the inventory team stakeholders. A full picture of the particular POP may not be achieved based only on available information, but the workplan and scope of the inventory may be further refined by e.g. being able to exclude some applications in the country (UNEP, 2019a).
In the second phase (Tier II), further information (and likely the main body of the information) is collected through interviews and questionnaires to stakeholders, i.e. producers, users, users of the products/articles consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP, waste managers etc. Based on information from the producers and users of the POP, the team should have a reasonable understanding on the flows and uses of the chemical in the country as well as the magnitude and concerned sectors of stockpiles and materials containing the chemical (UNEP, 2019a).
In the third phase (Tier III), in-depth information can be acquired for sectors of special interest and uses of importance to fill-in gaps in the information through chemical analyses and site visits. Analyses are usually expensive and require a lot of technical expertise. Moreover, analytical methods may not be readily available for some POPs (UNEP, 2019a).
The structure and organization of the inventory is always dependent on the chemical, local circumstances, and priorities of the country and the inventory team. Therefore, the guidance is not intended to be prescriptive, but to give ideas for tailoring the approach (UNEP, 2019a).
The use of chemicals in the production is often considered confidential business information (CBI) and is not available in open literature. Concerns over treatment of commercially valuable information may hamper the success of the inventory team in receiving information from the private sector. Stakeholders may wish to keep information that is required to estimate chemical use in the country, such as annual sales or production data, confidential from their competitors. In such cases, it is important to be able to provide guarantees to the companies that the information they provide will not be passed on to third parties. In addition, it should not be possible to deduce quantities for individual stakeholders from the data provided in the reports. This is especially challenging in situations where there are only few companies operating in the sector (UNEP, 2019a).
Data in the inventory report do not need to be reported as stakeholder-specific information. It can be aggregated or processed to accommodate trade-related concerns from the industry. It is important to consider the level of detail the inventory needs and alternatively consider asking the stakeholders to report their yearly production, consumption or sales of the chemical and its related substances themselves in an aggregated form that they are comfortable with (UNEP, 2019a).
The industry also has inherent interest in providing the authorities with factual information on the use and production of a POP, as this would enable the Party to register for acceptable purposes and specific exemptions as necessary, and also reflect their needs in their national regulations (UNEP, 2019a).
For an approach to the treatment of confidential information under the Stockholm Convention, please consult the Code of practice for the treatment of confidential information in the POPs Review Committee (UNEP, 2007).
Step 1: Initiating the inventory development process
Consider establishing a national inventory team to oversee the inventory work, define the scope, and develop the final report. The inventory team may consist of government agencies, academia, advisory bodies, industries, waste management, commerce, NGOs etc. that have knowledge on the production and use of the POP or products/articles consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP. The composition of the inventory team depends largely on whether the POP is a pesticide or an industrial chemical, or both. Special attention should be paid to ensure participation of industries that operate in areas for which acceptable purposes or specific exemptions have been identified (UNEP, 2019a).
1.1 Establishing a national inventory team
Inventories on POPs pesticides
The inventory team could include representatives of pesticide registration authorities, municipal authorities, agricultural advisory bodies, pesticide industry and trade association, customs service, relevant universities or research institutes, organized labour and trade unions, farmers and consumer associations, among other NGOs (UNEP, 2019a).
Inventories on industrial POPs
The inventory team could include the authorities in the field of chemicals management, chemicals registries, the customs service, representatives from larger stakeholders involved in the production of the POP (if taking place), representatives from the industrial sectors using the POP in manufacture, organized labour and trade unions, universities and research institutes, the relevant NGOs (UNEP, 2019a).
The national focal point for the Stockholm Convention could serve as leader of the team and convene the meetings. National and/or international consultants with relevant expertise could be hired to do the work and report to the team. The team could also sub-divide into smaller sector-specific groups, once the information becomes available, to focus on smaller parts of the inventory (UNEP, 2019a).
The national focal point should brief and educate the team on the Stockholm Convention’s mandates, obligations and the new POPs (UNEP, 2019a).
The knowledge in the inventory team can help identifying the production and supply of the POP and the relevant areas of industrial and professional use, making the inventory as practical and effective as possible. The industries involved in the production, import, and use of the POP should be involved in the discussion on the scope of the inventory (see Chapter 2.3.2), as they may be able to estimate historical and current amounts in different applications (UNEP, 2019a).
1.2 Identifying relevant stakeholders
Based on the tentative information on production and use of the POP in the country, the team should identify relevant stakeholders, who will be contacted for the information in the process. The detailed inventory guidance documents contain lists of suggested stakeholders, which are dependent on the chemical in question and its uses (UNEP, 2019a).
For easy reference, this module specific sections on POPs summarizes the relevant stakeholders for POPs pesticides and industrial chemicals from the inventory guidance documents.
1.3. Defining the scope of the inventory
Defining the scope of the inventory means identifying the relevant national sectors to be investigated in the process, planning the use of resources, and the extent of the activities needed. The inventory process is tiered and the scope will likely need to be adjusted as information on the situation in the country becomes available (UNEP, 2019a).
The following considerations are important for defining the scope of the inventory:
(a) Obligations of the Stockholm Convention, including the possible acceptable purposes and specific exemptions;
(b) Objectives of an inventory;
(c) Available resources and capacity (financial and human resources, analytical capacity);
(d) Life-cycle of the POP;
(e) National priorities (e.g. developing NIPs).
1.4 Developing a workplan
The national inventory team should develop a workplan for the inventory including (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Inventory strategy;
(b) Data collection methodologies to be used;
(c) Activities needed;
(d) Resource allocation including responsibility and budget;
(e) Timeline and milestones.
1.5 Contacting the stakeholders
Stakeholders will likely need to be contacted several times in the course of the inventory. It may be useful to contact them at the beginning of the inventory to inform them about its background and scope. This can give them a better understanding of the aim of the inventory and an opportunity to communicate their views and questions, and to identify more relevant stakeholders. Early stakeholder feedback can also help focus the inventory, thus making it as practical, effective and accurate as possible (UNEP, 2019a).
In the initial contact, it may also be helpful to explain the purpose of the Stockholm Convention, present the NIP and explain the globally agreed and national restrictions for the chemical. Examples of information that could be shared in the initial contact can be found in the annexes of detailed inventory guidance documents (UNEP, 2019a).
Step 2: Choosing data collection methodologies
There are a number of different approaches that have been used for gathering information for POPs inventories. The methodologies can be divided into three groups (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Indicative method: desk study of existing information, workshops and interviews provide initial information for further planning of the inventory depending on the amount of resources (i.e. human and financial situation). This method is quick and does not require significant human and financial resources. This method is normally used in the initial assessment (Tier I).
(b) Qualitative method: use interviews, questionnaires (see detailed guidance documents for examples) and literature surveys to obtain more specific data. Estimations are based on information on quantities of POP used and production volumes in manufacture of products/articles. Workshops may also be helpful in obtaining data from the industry. This method is normally used in Tier I and II.
(c) Quantitative method: collecting specific in-depth information from interviews, site visits and chemical analyses. This is an advanced stage of the inventory that includes detailed interviews with industry and associations where also questionnaires (see detailed guidance documents) can support the survey and possibly site inspection. The quantitative methods include use of chemical analyses to fill-in gaps in the information needed for inventory. This could, for example, include analysing POP content of products/articles imported or on the market. Chemical analyses are expensive, require specific expertise and are normally not used for the in-depth inventory for specific sectors only. This method is normally used in Tier III.
Step 3: Collecting and compiling data
The main data that should be collected in the inventory, taking into account the whole life-cycle of the POP (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Production of the POP or chemical preparations containing it. This could mean e.g. chlordecone and the formulations containing it (pesticides with chlordecone as an active ingredient), or PFOS and formulations containing PFOS (such as fire-fighting foams and hydraulic fluids);
(b) Import of the chemical or formulations containing the chemical. Most countries do not produce POPs themselves but import them as chemicals or chemical preparations;
(c) Import of products/articles consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP. These could include e.g. pallets treated with the POP pesticide, impregnated utility poles, textiles and upholstery, insulation materials, plastics, leather and apparel, synthetic carpets, and electronic and electrical articles and devices, depending on the chemical;
(d) Industries and other professional users in the country using the POP as a chemical and their stockpiles of the POP;
(e) Industries in the country manufacturing products and articles containing the POP and their stockpiles of the POP;
(f) Products/articles consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP on the consumer market and in service in the country. This could include e.g. insulation materials, electric and electronic devices, cars etc.;
(g) Existing obsolete pesticides storage facilities;
(h) Waste streams containing the POP and information on their management;
(i) Contaminated sites as information becomes available.
The following quantitative information is sought (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Quantity of the chemical used in industrial processes and manufacture of products/articles;
(b) Quantities of stockpiles;
(c) Quantity of the chemical in products/articles in service;
(d) Quantity of chemical manufactured in the country and/or imported;
(e) Quantities of waste consisting of, containing or contaminated with the POP, as appropriate (see Basel technical guidelines for environmentally sound management of POPs waste for more information).
Collecting inventory-related data is a multi-step process that can be based on a tiered approach. This approach provides flexibility to Parties with varying priorities and capacities and allows for scaling of the work according to the findings (UNEP, 2019a).
An initial assessment (Tier I) is carried out to obtain an overview of the relevant uses and stakeholders to be contacted in the key sector under investigation. Tier I methods usually rely on available literature and statistics in combination with calculations based on already existing information, such as risk profiles and risk management evaluation documents adopted by the POPs Review Committee (UNEP, 2019a).
Main inventory (Tier II) will follow to generate data on the main sectors through interviews and questionnaires to the national stakeholders, and further identify missing information. This would also include actions such as desk study on pesticides storage facility contents (UNEP, 2019a).
If needed and resources are available, a more in-depth inventory (Tier III) can be initiated after evaluation of the data gathered in the main inventory. Higher tier methods involve more resource-intensive data collection activities and often also yield more accurate results. For some applications country- or region-specific actions could be considered e.g. in cooperation with regional centres (UNEP, 2019a).
3.1 Tier I: Initial assessment
The initial assessment relies on collecting “low-hanging fruit”, i.e. existing information, desk studies, literature searches, interviews etc. First priority is to get an overview of the present and historical use of the chemical and its life-cycle in the country for refining the scope and planning the inventory process (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Production;
(b) Uses;
(c) Waste management and potential recycling of materials containing the chemical;
(d) Waste storages (mainly in case of obsolete pesticides);
(e) Understanding the life cycle of POP and the potential for emissions.
Pesticide inventories
In the first step, the inventory team should clarify whether the pesticide is still produced and/or used, or would the inventory be only on waste. The team should screen the available information on the pesticide production and use in literature and information from national institutions working on plant protection and pesticides, pesticide industry and industry associations, pesticide trade, and internet searches using CAS numbers and trade names. The pesticide registry, potential food residue studies and all possible previous inventories should be reviewed. Although the existing inventories are unlikely to be sufficiently detailed for identifying the POPs, they may give information on the scale and location of waste sites (UNEP, 2019a).
If the pesticide is still in use, there might be production or import and even export, on which the national customs may have information. Further information should be sought by contacting the manufacturers, traders and marketers as appropriate (UNEP, 2019a).
Industrial chemical inventories
In the case of an industrial chemical, the inventory team can screen the available literature and information from national statistic institutions, published literature in scientific journals, technical reports or notes from industry and industry associations, commissioned research reports, and internet searches. An initial assessment should include national standards and regulations related to the chemicals in various applications. This could include, e.g. assessment of flammability standards for different applications in textiles such as transport seating, upholstery, carpets, curtains (UNEP, 2019a).
In the second step, the inventory team should contact the major stakeholders (larger companies, industry associations) to obtain initial information on whether the POP was or is used in the country. Special attention should be paid to those sectors where use may continue according to the Stockholm Convention provisions. The ministry of environment and the ministry in charge of industry, as well as the Stockholm Convention Regional Centres may have relevant information (UNEP, 2019a).
Information on the import of the chemical might be available from customs service, or industries using the chemical or their related industry associations. Information on both current and historic import and export should be sought. When contacting the stakeholders for the information, also information on the related uses should be asked (UNEP, 2019a).
Making rough estimations of the quantities used in any of the applications, e.g. the total volume of materials in a sector (e.g. vehicles), or a specific application (e.g. furniture upholstery) could be helpful to prioritize actions. Further information could be collected in Tier II and Tier III for verification (UNEP,2019a).
The HS codes used by the customs are normally not specific enough to address a specific chemical or chemical in products/articles (Korucu et al., 2014). HS codes are likely not applicable for assessing import/export of certain POPs or products/articles containing them. CAS numbers and trade names should be used. For more information, see the Guidance for the Control of the Import and Export of POPs (UNEP, 2017a).
If information on import, manufacture and export of products/articles containing POPs are available, the net consumption can be calculated using the template below (separately for different sectors if preferable) (UNEP, 2019a):
Net consumption of products in [country] = manufacture + import – export
Net consumption of POP in [country] = [manufacture + import – export] of POP containing products or articles x POP content*
* In the absence of other values, please consult Risk Profile, Risk Management Evaluation adopted by the POPs Review Committee and the Basel Convention Technical Guidelines on ESM of waste for information on typical contents used in products/articles.
For further examples, please see POPs specific sections of the module and detailed POP inventory guidance documents.
Statistics on the manufacture of articles may not be detailed. The production statistics may not necessarily follow the same product codes as import and export. It may only cover some of the existing companies in the country. It is also expected that some statistical data on the manufacturing activities is confidential and not available.
Therefore, the calculations based on the statistics must be carefully interpreted (UNEP, 2019a).
Authentic product information received from major companies, interviewed by the inventory team, in each relevant use sector is expected to be of a better quality and need to support the quantitative information from the statistics. Based on these data, the team should assess the relevance of defined scope and whether the right stakeholders have been identified, before proceeding to the next Tier (UNEP, 2019a).
3.2 Tier II: Main inventory
It is likely that many questions will remain open after the initial assessment and the main body of information for the inventory will be achieved in the phase. The next Tier in the inventory focuses on specific sectors of interest identified based on the initial assessment. In Tier II, new and more detailed information is collected from the stakeholders through interviews, surveys and site visits (UNEP, 2019a).
Possible site visits and further studies could focus on the sites of production, use, and disposal of the POP in the country (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Current and former production sites;
(b) Current and former disposal sites (such as pesticide storage facilities);
(c) Users of the POP and products containing the POP;
(d) Waste collection centres and recyclers;
(e) End-of-life vehicles treatment facilities, if relevant;
(f) Storage and disposal locations of materials containing the POP.
Information on the amount of production waste and the historic management and deposition of waste from these productions could be addressed in the inventory (including associated landfills) (UNEP, 2019a).
Pesticide inventories
Pesticide inventories consist of identifying the current production and use, stockpiles and waste like with industrial chemicals. However, as many POPs pesticides have been phased out a long time ago, pesticide inventory could consist of just inventory of pesticide waste in the country. FAO has issued thorough guidance under Programme on the Prevention and Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides. Tier II inventory could be based on available documents at sites of storage. FAO guidance covers all aspects of pesticide management (FAO, 2001; FAO, 2010). However, it should be noted that with regards to the environmentally sound management referred to in Article 6 of the Convention, the technical guidelines by Basel Convention should be adhered to (UNEP, 2017b and the related POP specific technical guidelines).
If the pesticide is in use, information on the flows along the whole life-cycle must be acquired. In case sales data is not available, these data could be collected in Tier II by using targeted questionnaires to or interviews with producers, importers, agricultural advisory bodies, farmers’ associations and NGOs (UNEP, 2019a).
Inventories of industrial chemicals
The inventory team could organise separate teams for different industrial sectors and hire consultants as appropriate. The detailed guidance documents contain examples of questionnaires that could be used for contacting and requesting information from the stakeholders in different sectors that have been identified as relevant nationally in the initial assessment (UNEP, 2019a).
All the data formats including questionnaire survey formats should be carefully streamlined to ensure the consistency of the data collection as much as possible. If data conversions and estimations are done by stakeholders (e.g. for the management of confidential data), the inventory team may need to provide training on calculations on the POP content and how to fill out the questionnaire. This will ensure high data quality and consistency (UNEP, 2019a).
3.3 Tier III: In-depth inventory
In areas where Tier II search for information falls short from the objectives set for the inventory by the inventory team, focused information could be acquired through more resource-demanding techniques, if resources are available. The in-depth inventory could include using analytical methods to gain information e.g. on uses and concentrations of POPs in products/articles on the market to estimate the total amounts of POPs, prioritize actions and to estimate their costs (UNEP, 2019a).
The analytical methods may include measurements using the X-ray fluorescence (XRF) screening as well as laboratory analyses (see UNEP, 2017c). It may also involve detailed inspections of sites mentioned in Tier II. For pesticide inventories, in-depth inventory could entail sampling and analysing unidentified pesticides in storages of obsolete stocks (UNEP, 2019a).
Step 4: Managing and evaluating the data
The data need to be assessed for completeness and plausibility, possibly including a comparison with data from other countries in the region. Data gaps may (partly) be filled by extrapolation of available statistical data. If the quality of the data is considered unsatisfactory, additional data collection or screening (Tier III) should be undertaken (UNEP, 2019a).
4.1 Data management
Data collection methodologies applied in the data gathering process as described in Step 2 may vary depending depend on the legal framework, political organization and economic support for environmental management. Nevertheless, the management of the collected data should be consistent and transparent. During the data processing, all the assumptions and conversion factors adopted as a result of expert judgment, where needed, should be noted/recorded and referenced when the results are presented (UNEP, 2019a).
4.2 Evaluation of the inventory
Some challenges may still exist at the end of the inventory including a lack of detailed information on certain activities and applications. An evaluation of the process, strategy used and information collected can take place along with a decision on what further actions are needed to make the inventory more complete (UNEP, 2019a).
The evaluation includes identification of the following (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Gaps and limitations;
(b) Need for validation of the information compiled in the inventory;
(c) Actions needed to meet the requirements of the Stockholm Convention.
Important elements in this evaluation step are to identify any gaps and limitations, and the measures needed to make the inventory more complete. Other ways to involve the stakeholders and other data collection strategies (see Steps 2-4) could then be considered. A gap analysis in the evaluation of the initial assessment or preliminary inventory could result in the need to contact some of the stakeholders again to get more information or identify other stakeholders to be contacted to help fill the gaps (UNEP, 2019a).
For inventory sectors with limited information, information campaigns and stakeholder meetings or workshops may be necessary. In some cases, government regulations may be required to ensure that stakeholders report their holdings and cooperate with the national authorities and engage in the national inventory. To be noted that drafting a regulation and making it come into force can sometimes require (UNEP, 2019a).
Gaps, limitations and necessary actions to complete the inventory will also be valuable information for the NIP, especially for developing countries with need of financial support for their inventory. It is important for developing countries to identify whether and what kind of technical and financial support will be necessary to complete the inventory. Even if the inventory is very incomplete, the NIP is expected to provide information on gaps and the limitations of a country's resources and capabilities ― information that is useful to identify appropriate technical and financial needs (UNEP, 2019a).
It is also important to consider whether the current situation meets the requirements of the Convention, including the potential actions proposed in the NIP especially with regard to the elimination of the POP and compliance with the acceptable purposes or specific exemptions. Information on BAT/BEP measures may also be useful (UNEP, 2019a).
The inventory might also require revision at a later stage when the action plan is updated. This can also be done using the strategies described in this guidance (UNEP, 2019a).
Gap analyses conducted in the evaluation of an inventory could result in the need to contact some of these stakeholders again to get more information or identify other stakeholders to be contacted to help fill in the information and data gaps (UNEP, 2019a).
Step 5: Preparing the inventory report
The final stage of the inventory is preparation of the inventory report. This report includes results of inventories of all key sectors investigated by the country compiled in a single document (UNEP, 2019a).
The essential elements of the report are (UNEP, 2019a):
(a) Objectives and scope;
(b) Description of data methodologies used and how data were gathered, including all the assumptions and conversion factors adopted as a result of expert judgment;
(c) Final results of the inventory for each sector considered a priority for the country (using a format to be provided in this guidance, as such or adapted from that format);
(d) Results of the gap analysis and limitations identified for completion of the inventory;
(e) Further actions (e.g. stakeholder involvement, data collection strategies) to be taken to complete the inventory and recommendations.
Other information (e.g. stakeholder list) could be included in the report depending on the national preferences (UNEP, 2019a).
FAO, 2001. FAO training manual for inventory taking of obsolete pesticides. 110 p.http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/user_upload/obsolete_pesticides/docs/train_man_e.pdf
FAO, 2010. The Preparation of Inventories of Pesticides and Contaminated Materials. FAO Pesticide Disposal Series 14. 85 p. http://www.fao.org/docrep/013/i1724e/i1724e.pdf
Korucu M K, Gedik K, Weber R, Karademir A, Kurt-Karakus P B. 2014. Inventory development for perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS) in Turkey: challenges to control chemicals in articles and products. Environ Sci Pollut Res. DOI 10.1007/s11356-014-3924-2.
UNEP, 2007a. Code of practice for the treatment of confidential information in the POPs Review Committee. Decision SC-3/9. http://chm.pops.int/tabid/345/Default.aspx
UNEP, 2017b. General technical guidelines on the environmentally sound management of wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with persistent organic pollutants (adopted by COP.13, May 2017). UNEP/CHW.13/6/Add.1/Rev.1. http://www.basel.int/tabid/5875/Default.aspx
UNEP, 2017c. Guidance on Sampling, Screening and Analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Products and Articles. UNEP/POPS/COP.7/16/analysis (revised 2017). http://chm.pops.int/tabid/7730/Default.aspx
UNEP, 2019a. General guidance on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) inventory development. UNEP/POPS/COP.9/INF/19/Add.1. http://chm.pops.int/Implementation/NationalImplementationPlans/Guidance/tabid/7730/Default.aspx
Substance |
CAS number |
Short description |
Annex |
exemption |
purpose |
pesticide applied to soils to kill termites, grasshoppers, corn rootworm, and
other insect pests, aldrin can also kill birds, fish, and humans. In one
incident, aldrin-treated rice is believed to have killed hundreds of
shorebirds, waterfowl, and passerines along the Texas Gulf Coast when these
birds either ate animals that had eaten the rice or ate the rice themselves.
In humans, the fatal dose for an adult male is estimated to be about five
grams. Humans are mostly exposed to aldrin through dairy products and animal
meats. Studies in India indicate that the average daily intake of aldrin and
its byproduct dieldrin is about 19 micrograms per person. |
A |
None |
None |
Chlordane |
Used extensively to control termites and as a
broad-spectrum insecticide on a range of agricultural crops, chlordane
remains in the soil for a long time and has a reported half-life of one year.
The lethal effects of chlordane on fish and birds vary according to the
species, but tests have shown that it can kill mallard ducks, bobwhite quail,
and pink shrimp. Chlordane may affect the human immune system and is
classified as a possible human carcinogen. It is believed that human exposure
occurs mainly through the air, and chlordane has been detected in the indoor
air of residences in the US and Japan. |
A |
None |
None |
Chlordecone |
Chlordecone is a synthetic chlorinated organic compound,
which was mainly used as an agricultural pesticide. It was first produced in
1951 and introduced commercially in 1958. Currently, no use or production of
the chemical is reported. Chlordecone is highly persistent in the
environment, has a high potential for bioaccumulation and biomagnification
and based on physico-chemical properties and modelling data, chlordecone can
be transported for long distances. It is classified as a possible human
carcinogen and is very toxic to aquatic organisms. |
A |
None |
None |
Dieldrin |
Used principally to control termites and textile pests,
dieldrin has also been used to control insect-borne diseases and insects
living in agricultural soils. Its half-life in soil is approximately five
years. The pesticide aldrin rapidly converts to dieldrin, so concentrations
of dieldrin in the environment are higher than dieldrin use alone would
indicate. Dieldrin is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic animals,
particularly frogs, whose embryos can develop spinal deformities after
exposure to low levels. Dieldrin residues have been found in air, water,
soil, fish, birds, and mammals, including humans. Food represents the primary
source of exposure to the general population. For example, dieldrin was the
second most common pesticide detected in a US survey of pasteurized milk. |
A |
None |
None |
Endrin |
insecticide is sprayed on the leaves of crops such as cotton and grains. It
is also used to control rodents such as mice and voles. Animals can
metabolize endrin, so it does not accumulate in their fatty tissue to the
extent that structurally similar chemicals do. It has a long half-life,
however, persisting in the soil for up to 12 years. In addition, endrin is
highly toxic to fish. When exposed to high levels of endrin in the water,
sheepshead minnows hatched early and died by the ninth day of their exposure.
The primary route of exposure for the general human population is through
food, although current dietary intake estimates are below the limits deemed
safe by world health authorities. |
A |
None |
None |
Heptachlor |
used to kill soil insects and termites, heptachlor has also been used more
widely to kill cotton insects, grasshoppers, other crop pests, and
malaria-carrying mosquitoes. It is believed to be responsible for the decline
of several wild bird populations, including Canadian Geese and American
Kestrels in the Columbia River basin in the US. The geese died after eating
seeds treated with levels of heptachlor lower than the usage levels
recommended by the manufacturer, indicating that even responsible use of
heptachlor may kill wildlife. Laboratory tests have also shown high doses of
heptachlor to be fatal to mink, rats, and rabbits, with lower doses causing
adverse behavioral changes and reduced reproductive success. Heptachlor is
classified as a possible human carcinogen. Food is the major source of
exposure for humans, and residues have been detected in the blood of cattle
from the US and from Australia. |
A |
None |
None |
Hexachlorobenzene |
introduced in 1945 to treat seeds, HCB kills fungi that affect food crops. It
was widely used to control wheat bunt. It is also a byproduct of the
manufacture of certain industrial chemicals and exists as an impurity in
several pesticide formulations. When people in eastern Turkey ate HCB-treated
seed grain between 1954 and 1959, they developed a variety of symptoms,
including photosensitive skin lesions, colic, and debilitation; several
thousand developed a metabolic disorder called porphyria turcica, and 14%
died. Mothers also passed HCB to their infants through the placenta and
through breast milk. In high doses, HCB is lethal to some animals and, at
lower levels, adversely affects their reproductive success. HCB has been
found in food of all types. A study of Spanish meat found HCB present in all
samples. In India, the estimated average daily intake of HCB is 0.13
micrograms per kilogram of body weight. |
A and C |
None |
None |
Alfa-hexachlorocyclohexane |
Although the intentional use of
alpha-HCH as an insecticide was phased out years ago, this chemical is still
produced as unintentional by-product of lindane. For each ton of lindane
produced, around 6-10 tons of the other isomers including alpha- and beta-HCH
are created. Large stockpiles of alpha- and beta-HCH are therefore present in
the environment. Alpha-HCH is highly persistent in water in colder regions
and may bioaccumulate and biomagnify in biota and arctic food webs. This
chemical is subject to long-range transport, is classified as potentially
carcinogenic to humans and adversely affects wildlife and human health in
contaminated regions. |
A |
None |
None |
the intentional use of beta-HCH as an insecticide was phased out years ago,
this chemical is still produced as unintentional by-product of lindane. For
each ton of lindane produced, around 6-10 tons of the other isomers including
alpha- and beta-HCH are created. Large stockpiles of alpha- and beta-HCH are
therefore present in the environment. Beta-HCH is highly persistent in water
in colder regions and may bioaccumulate and biomagnify in biota and arctic
food webs. This chemical is subject to long-range transport, is classified as
potentially carcinogenic to humans and adversely affects wildlife and human
health in contaminated regions. |
A |
None |
None |
Lindane |
has been used as a broad-spectrum insecticide for seed and soil treatment, foliar
applications, tree and wood treatment and against ectoparasites in both
veterinary and human applications. The production of lindane has decreased
rapidly in the last few years and only few countries are still known to
produce lindane. Lindane is persistent, bioaccumulates easily in the food
chain and bioconcentrates rapidly. There is evidence for long-range transport
and toxic effects (immunotoxic, reproductive and developmental effects) in
laboratory animals and aquatic organisms. |
A |
Use: Human health pharmaceutical for control of head
lice and scabies as second line treatment. |
None |
Mirex |
insecticide is used mainly to combat fire ants, and it has been used against
other types of ants and termites. It has also been used as a fire retardant
in plastics, rubber, and electrical goods. Direct exposure to mirex does not
appear to cause injury to humans, but studies on laboratory animals have
caused it to be classified as a possible human carcinogen. In studies mirex
proved toxic to several plant species and to fish and crustaceans. It is
considered to be one of the most stable and persistent pesticides, with a
half life of up to 10 years. The main route of human exposure to mirex is
through food, particularly meat, fish, and wild game. |
A |
None |
None |
Pentachlorobenzene |
PeCB was used in PCB products, in
dyestuff carriers, as a fungicide, a flame retardant and as a chemical
intermediate e.g. previously for the production of quintozene. PeCB might
still be used as an intermediate. PeCB is also produced unintentionally during
combustion, thermal and industrial processes. It also present as impurities
in products such as solvents or pesticides. PeCB is persistent in the
environment, highly bioaccumulative and has a potential for long-range
environmental transport. It is moderately toxic to humans and very toxic to
aquatic organisms. |
A and C |
None |
None |
and its salts and esters |
PCP has been used as herbicide, insecticide, fungicide,
algaecide, disinfectant and as an ingredient in antifouling paint. Some
applications were in agricultural seeds, leather, wood preservation, cooling
tower water, rope and paper mill system. Its use has been significantly
declined due to the high toxicity of PCP and its slow biodegradation. First
produced in the 1930s, it is marketed under many trade names. The main
contaminants include other polychlorinated phenols, polychlorinated
dibenzo-p-dioxins, and polychlorinated dibenzo furans. People may be exposed
to PCP in occupational settings through the inhalation of contaminated
workplace air and dermal contact or with wood products treated with PCP.
Short-term exposure to large amounts of PCP can cause harmful effects on the
liver, kidneys, blood, lungs, nervous system, immune system, and
gastrointestinal tract. Elevated temperature, profuse sweating, uncoordinated
movement, muscle twitching, and coma are additional side effects. Contact
with PCP can irritate the skin, eyes, and mouth. Long-term exposure to low
levels such as those that occur in the workplace can cause damage to the
liver, kidneys, blood, and nervous system. Finally exposure to PCP is also
associated with carcinogenic, renal, and neurological effects. |
A |
None |
Endosulfan and its related isomers |
is an insecticide that has been used since the 1950s to control crop pests,
tsetse flies and ectoparasites of cattle and as a wood preservative. As a
broad-spectrum insecticide, endosulfan is currently used to control a wide
range of pests on a variety of crops including coffee, cotton, rice, sorghum
and soy. A total of between 18,000 and 20,000 tons of endosulfan are produced
annually in Brazil, China, India, Israel and South Korea. Colombia, the
United States of America and several countries in Europe that used to
produce endosulfan have stopped its production. The largest users of
endosulfan (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Pakistan and
the United States) use a total of about 15,000 tons of endosulfan annually.
An additional 21 countries report using endosulfan. The use of endosulfan is
banned or will be phased out in 60 countries that, together, account for 45
per cent of current global use. Endosulfan
is toxic to humans and has been shown to have adverse effects on a wide range
of aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Exposure to endosulfan has been linked
to congenital physical disorders, mental retardations and deaths in farm
workers and villagers in developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin
America. Endosulfan sulfate shows toxicity similar to that of endosulfan. |
A |
Production: As allowed for the Parties listed in the
Register of Specific Exemptions. Use: Crop-pest complexes as listed in accordance
with the provisions of Part VI of Annex A. |
None |
Toxaphene |
insecticide is used on cotton, cereal grains, fruits, nuts, and vegetables.
It has also been used to control ticks and mites in livestock. Toxaphene was
the most widely used pesticide in the US in 1975. Up to 50% of a toxaphene
release can persist in the soil for up to 12 years. For humans, the most
likely source of toxaphene exposure is food. While the toxicity to humans of
direct exposure is not high, toxaphene has been listed as a possible human
carcinogen due to its effects on laboratory animals. It is highly toxic to
fish; brook trout exposed to toxaphene for 90 days experienced a 46%
reduction in weight and reduced egg viability, and long-term exposure to
levels of 0.5 micrograms per liter of water reduced egg viability to zero. |
A |
None |
None |
sulfonic acid, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride - sulfluramid |
both intentionally produced and an unintended degradation product of related
anthropogenic chemicals. The current intentional use of PFOS is widespread and
includes: electric and electronic parts, fire fighting foam, photo imaging,
hydraulic fluids and textiles. PFOS is still produced in several countries.
PFOS is extremely persistent and has substantial bioaccumulating and
biomagnifying properties, although it does not follow the classic pattern of
other POPs by partitioning into fatty tissues but instead binds to proteins
in the blood and the liver. It has a capacity to undergo long-range transport
and also fulfills the toxicity criteria of the Stockholm Convention. |
B |
None |
DDT was
widely used during World War II to protect soldiers and civilians from
malaria, typhus, and other diseases spread by insects. After the war, DDT
continued to be used to control disease, and it was sprayed on a variety of
agricultural crops, especially cotton. DDT continues to be applied against
mosquitoes in several countries to control malaria. Its stability, its
persistence (as much as 50% can remain in the soil 10-15 years after application),
and its widespread use have meant that DDT residues can be found everywhere;
residual DDT has even been detected in the Arctic. Perhaps the best known
toxic effect of DDT is egg-shell thinning among birds, especially birds of
prey. Its impact on bird populations led to bans in many countries during the
1970s. Although its use had been banned in many countries, it has been
detected in food from all over the world. Although residues in domestic
animals have declined steadily over the last two decades, food-borne DDT
remains the greatest source of exposure for the general population. The
short-term acute effects of DDT on humans are limited, but long-term
exposures have been associated with chronic health effects. DDT has been
detected in breast milk, raising serious concerns about infant health. |
B |
None |
Production: Disease vector control in accordance
with Part II of Annex B. Use: Disease vector control in accordance with Part
II of Annex B. |
The main objectives of the inventory are to:
· Review and summarize the information and data on:
o Production of POPs pesticides listed in Annexes A and B of the Convention;
o Import and export of POPs pesticides listed in Annexes A and B of the Convention;
o Use of POPs pesticides listed in Annexes A and B of the Convention;
o Stockpiles and wastes containing, or thought to contain POPs pesticides listed in Annexes A and B of the Convention;
o Disposal of the POPs pesticides listed in Annexes A and B of the Convention;
· Assess the legal and institutional framework for control of the production, use, import, export and environmentally sound management and disposal of the POPs pesticides wastes listed in Annexes A and B of the Convention;
· Identify gaps in information and data required to complete the POPs pesticides inventory;
· Identify suitable alternative products, methods and strategies to the POPs pesticides;
· Determine need of specific exemptions and/or acceptable purposes and register for those POPs pesticides that specific exemptions/acceptable purposes are still allowed;
· Identify the potential POPs pesticides contaminated sites.
step |
Quantitative data to be generated |
measure |
Remarks |
Production |
pesticides produced |
Tonnes |
requested by Art. 15 report |
Import/export |
pesticides imported/exported |
Tonnes |
requested by Art. 15 report |
pesticides containing waste imported/exported for environmental sound
disposal |
Tonnes |
pesticides used |
Tonnes |
Stockpiles |
pesticides stockpiles stored |
Tonnes |
stockpiles |
pesticides containing waste stockpiles |
Tonnes |
requested by Art. 15 report |
sites |
contaminated/contaminated sites |
Number |
• Ministry in charge of agriculture and/or related agencies;
• Pesticides Registration Boards;
• Pesticides producers/retailers/users;
• National statistics;
• Custom authorities;
• FAO representative;
• Farmer associations;
• Ministry in charge of health (e.g. in case of DDT and Lindane);
• Waste disposal companies
Life cycle stage; Sector |
Activities |
Locations |
POPs pesticides production |
(Former) Production |
Production site |
(Former) Destruction of production waste |
Sites where production waste has been destroyed |
Disposal of waste from production |
Landfills related to wastes from production |
POPs pesticides use |
Sites where POPs pesticides were/are used |
Soil impacted from POPs pesticides |
POPs pesticides stockpiles |
Sites where POPs pesticides were/are stockpiled |
Soil, underground water impacted from POPs pesticides |
POPs pesticides
wastes |
Deposition of POPs pesticides waste |
Landfill and surrounding |
Empty containers of POPs pesticides |
Landfill and surrounding |
• Information on POPs pesticides production;
• Information on POPs pesticides import/export, including import/export for environmental sound disposal;
• Information on POPs pesticides use;
• Information on POPs pesticides stockpiles and wastes;
• Information on POPs pesticides contaminated sites;
• Information on alternatives.
FAO, 2010. FAO Pesticide Disposal Series 14: The Preparation of Inventories of Pesticides and Contaminated Materials. Volume 1 Planning. UNFAO-inventory
Substance |
number |
description |
Annex |
exemption |
purpose |
Pentachlorophenol |
87-86-5 |
PCP has been used as herbicide, insecticide,
fungicide, algaecide, disinfectant and as an ingredient in antifouling paint.
Some applications were in agricultural seeds, leather, wood preservation,
cooling tower water, rope and paper mill system. Its use has been
significantly declined due to the high toxicity of PCP and its slow
biodegradation. |
A |
None |
Sodium pentachlorophenate |
131-52-2 |
As monohydrate |
27735-64-4 |
Pentachlorophenyl laurate |
3772-94-9 |
Pentachloroanisole |
1825-21-4 |
3.2.1 Uses (UNEP, 2019b)
• Herbicide;
• Insecticide;
• Fungicide;
• Algaecide;
• Disinfectant and as an ingredient in antifouling paint.
3.2.2 Applications (UNEP, 2019b)
• Agricultural seeds;
• Leather;
• Wood preservation;
• Cooling tower water;
• Rope and paper mill system.
3.2.3 Non-timber treatment uses of PCP (UNEP, 2019b)
• Leather treatment - used as a preservative in leather from the 1970s to protect leather goods from fungal damage during the wet processing of these materials.
• Textile treatment - PCP, Na-PCP and PCP-L have been used to treat textiles which are subject to attack by fungi and bacteria during storage and use.
• Agriculture – used to prevent wood decay, as herbicide and desiccant herbicide and desiccant for forage seed crops, as herbicide for non-food vegetation control, a biocide in the post-harvest washing of fruit, and for general weed control, an insecticide for use in beehives, seed plots, and greenhouses, as herbicide in paddy and upland rice fields.
• Na-PCP production - used to produce Na-PCP; Na-PCP has also been used for control of the intermediate snail hosts of schistosomiasis.
• Other application and uses - biocides in packaging materials and glues, preservative in oil-based paints and adhesives, intermediate product in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals as well as colouring substances, included in health-care products and disinfectants for use in the home, farms, and hospitals, included in dental-care products, bactericidal soaps, laundry products, and medical products for the skin.
3.2.4 Products treated with PCP (UNEP, 2019b)
• Most utility poles, during the manufacturing process, are typically marked in accordance with the requirements found in ANSI O5.1 or CSA O15-15.
• The typical information contained on the marking includes a supplier trademark or code, the year of treatment, a code for the plant location, the species of wood, the preservative type and the class and length of the pole.
• Additional information may be included based on a utility's specifications.
• The information is either burn-branded on the pole or embossed on a recessed metal tag affixed to the pole.
• The tag is normally located at 10 feet from the butt on poles shorter than 55 feet, and at 14 feet from the butt on poles 55 feet and longer.
• Given the typical setting depths of poles, this normally places the information in the zone from 2 to 6 feet from the ground on an installed pole.
3.5 End of life products treated with PCP (UNEP, 2019b)
• In general, wood used in a commercial/industrial setting will be treated with one of three product types: PCP, Creosote or chromated copper arsenate (CCA) to prevent degradation and to increase its service life.
• Such wood should be appropriately labelled to allow quick identification of the treatment product. However, if not appropriately labelled the treatment product can be established through suitable sampling and analysis.
• Additionally, where appropriate labelling is absent, and in absence of, or prior to undertaking sampling and analysis, the treatment product used can sometimes be inferred through visual inspection (noting that this is an indicative method and should not be used to replace labelling and/or sampling and analysis):
• CCA – the surface of the wood will often appear to have a slight blue/green tint to it due to oxidation of the copper in the CCA.
• Creosote – This is a tar like substance which often gives the surface of the wood a black/dark brown tar like (often sticky) finish.
• PCP – PCP itself is not noticeable leaving the surface of the wood apparently unchanged to its natural appearance. Thus, if the wood does not appear to show signs of CCA or creosote, it is likely to have been treated with PCP.
The main objectives of the inventory are to (UNEP, 2019b):
· Review and summarize the information and data on:
o Production of PCP, its salts and esters;
o Import and export of PCP, its salts and esters;
o Use of PCP, its salts and esters;
o Stockpiles and wastes containing, or thought to contain PCP, its salts and esters;
o Disposal of the PCP, its salts and esters;
· Assess the legal and institutional framework for control of the production, use, import, export and environmentally sound management and disposal of the PCP, its salts and esters;
· Identify gaps in information and data required to complete the PCP, its salts and esters inventory;
· Identify suitable alternative products, methods and strategies to the PCP, its salts and esters;
· Determine need of specific exemptions and register for that exemptions are still allowed;
· Identify the potential PCP, its salts and esters contaminated sites.
step |
Quantitative data to be generated |
measure |
Remarks |
(historical/current) |
its salts and esters produced |
Tonnes |
requested by Art. 15 report |
(historical/current) |
its salts and esters imported/exported |
Tonnes |
requested by Art. 15 report |
its salts and esters treated timber imported/exported (for utility poles and
cross-arms) |
Tonnes |
its salts and esters containing waste imported/exported for environmental
sound disposal |
Tonnes |
(historical/current) |
its salts and esters used, especially for timber treatment (for utility poles
and cross-arms) |
Tonnes |
its salts and esters treated timber in use (for utility poles and cross-arms)
Tonnes |
Stockpiles |
its salts and esters stockpiles stored |
Tonnes |
stockpiles |
containing waste stockpiles (especially from timber treatment (for utility
poles and cross-arms)) |
Tonnes |
requested by Art. 15 report |
sites |
contaminated/contaminated sites |
Number |
Production | Stakeholders |
General stakeholders | Ministry of environment and ministry of industry Ministry responsible for waste management NIP coordinator and steering committee Basel Convention focal point (and stakeholders in Basel) Rotterdam Convention focal point (and stakeholders in Rotterdam) Custom authorities NGOs. |
PCP production | Authorities granting production permits Industry producing PCP Waste management facility owners Custom authorities |
Treatment of timber and non-timber products with PCP | Timber industry Authorities granting treatment permits National infrastructure organizations such as utility companies Waste management facility owners Custom authorities |
Manufacturing of products/articles where PCP has been used | Textile industry Laurate production industry Na-PCP industry Domestic property industry Authorities granting treatment permits Waste management facility owners Custom authorities |
Use of PCP containing materials | Users/owners of treated timber or other products Users of textiles contain laurate Domestic users of Na-PCP Ministry of Agriculture or Forestry and institutes and industries working with wood and treatment of wood Ministry of defence Ministry of business |
End-of-life treatment | Recycling companies (for textiles and treated wood waste) Housing demolition companies Landfill owners |
Source: UNEP, 2019b
• PCP production facilities – these are factories/facilities/chemical plants which have been used, either historically, or currently, to produce PCP. This should also include sites which have been shut down/decommissioned as contamination may still be present.
• PCP storage facilities – these are storage facilities/warehouses etc. which have, either historically, or currently, been used to store PCP based chemicals. This should also include sites which have been shut down/decommissioned as contamination may still be present.
• Industrial wood treatment facilities – these are facilities which have, either historically, or currently, been used to treat wood products. This should also include sites which have been shut down/decommissioned as contamination may still be present.
• Treated timber and wood product storage facilities - these are facilities which have, either historically, or currently, been used to store treated timber and wood products. This should also include sites which have been shut down/decommissioned as contamination may still be present.
• Leather tanning and other leather treatment.
• Textile industries where PCP has been formerly used.
• Agricultural areas where PCP has been applied in the past.
From individual operators
· Information on annual volume of manufacture or import of PCP;
· Information on annual volume of PCP used for timber treatment activities;
· Information on the working concentration of PCP in the timber produced (mg/ft2);
· Information on PCP contaminated waste produced per annum and how the waste is managed;
· Information on the use other pesticides for timber treatment as well as PCP;
· Information on the use of PCP for other applications than timber treatment.
From trade associations/regulators
· Data on annual production rates for timber treated with PCP (tonnes of timber);
· Data on annual quantities of imported timber treated with PCP (tonnes of timber);
· Data on the replacement rates for timber used in infrastructure networks;
· Average life of utility poles / cross-arms within the infrastructure network.
From waste facility operators
• Information on nature of facility processing the waste (recycling, incinerator, landfill, waste handling, other);
• Information on type of waste accepted known to be contaminated by PCP (either production wastes or treated end of life timber) and how is treated;
• Information on quantity of waste managed.
From regulators
• Details of sites / facilities known to be managing PCP waste;
• Details on enforcement actions brought for environmental release – either at sites of use, or from waste handling locations.
From trade associations/regulating agencies
• Details on former sites of manufacture for PCP;
• Details on former sites conducting timber treatment that may have used PCP in the past;
• Details surrounding the use of PCP for treatment in leather, textiles, paper and pulp or agriculture;
• Details of locations for facilities / former facilities that were known to be using PCP;
• Information of stockpiles of leather, suede or textile goods contaminated with PCP been identified within your nation;
• Data available on quantities and mechanism for final disposal.
Substance |
CAS number |
Short description |
Annex |
Specific exemption |
Acceptable purpose |
biphenyls |
http://www.pic.int/Portals/5/en/CasNumbers/PCB%20CAS%20number.pdf |
These compounds
are used in industry as heat exchange fluids, in electric transformers and
capacitors, and as additives in paint, carbonless copy paper, and plastics.
Of the 209 different types of PCBs, 13 exhibit a dioxin-like toxicity. Their
persistence in the environment corresponds to the degree of chlorination, and
half-lives can vary from 10 days to one-and-a-half years. |
A and C |
in use in accordance with the provisions of Part II of Annex A. |
None |
• Closed applications: transformers, capacitors;
• Open applications: caulks, paints/plaster, anti-corrosion coatings, adhesives, small capacitors, cable sheaths, lubricating fluids, impregnating agents, flame retardants.
The main objectives of the inventory are to:
· Review and summarize the information and data on:
o Production;
o Import and export for environmental sound disposal for PCBs in closed and open applications;
o Use;
o Stockpiles and wastes containing, or thought to contain PCBs from closed and open applications;
· Assess the legal and institutional framework for control of the production, use, import, export and environmentally sound disposal of the PCBs in closed and open applications;
· Identify gaps in information required to complete the inventory;
· Identify the potential PCBs contaminated sites.
Life-cycle step | NIP Quantitative data to be generated | Unit measure | Remarks |
Production (historical) | PCBs produced | Tonnes | Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Import/export for environmentally sound disposal | PCBs imported/exported | Tonnes | Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Use/ Stockpiles/ Waste stockpiles | Equipment in service/ out of service | Number | Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Mass of equipment in service/out of service | Tonnes | Data requested by Art. 15 report | |
Mass of liquids (oil) of equipment in service/out of service | Tonnes | Data requested by Art. 15 report | |
PCB content in oil of equipment in service/out of service | Percentage (%) | Data requested by Art. 15 report | |
Waste disposal | PCBs containing waste stockpiles locally destroyed | Tonnes | Data requested by Art. 15 report |
PCBs containing waste stockpiles destroyed abroad | Tonnes | Data requested by Art. 15 report | |
Contaminated sites | PPotentially contaminated/contaminated sites | Number |
• Ministry of Energy;
• Ministry for Mining;
• Utility sector;
• National statistics;
• Custom authorities;
• Other industries having transformers and capacitors;
• GEF PCBs elimination projects.
Major PCB
holders and industries, as presented in the table below, are to be considered
potential contaminated sites (UNEP, 2016).
target industries |
PCB-containing applications |
Electric power stations and distribution stations |
Transformers, Large
capacitors, Small capacitors, Switches, Voltage regulators, Liquid filled
electrical cables, Circuit breakers, Lighting ballasts |
Industrial Facilities (including mining, aluminum, copper, iron and steel, cement,
chemicals, plastics, synthetics, and petroleum refining industries) |
Transformers, Large
capacitors, Small capacitors, Heat transfer fluids, Hydraulic fluids (equipment),
Voltage regulators. Circuit breakers, Lighting ballasts, Heat transfer fluids,
Vacuum pumps, Lubricating oil |
Railroad systems |
Transformers, Large
capacitors, Voltage regulators, Circuit breakers, Vacuum pumps, Lubricating
oil |
Military installations |
Transformers, Large
capacitors, Small capacitors, Circuit breakers, Voltage regulators, Hydraulic
fluids (equipment) |
Electronics and mechanical manufacturing and maintenance plants |
Transformers, Switches,
Voltage regulators, Circuit breakers, Vacuum pumps, Lighting ballasts, Small
capacitors |
Research laboratories |
Vacuum pumps, Fluorescent
light ballasts, Small capacitors, Circuit breakers |
Waste water discharge facilities |
Vacuum pumps, Well
motors |
Automobile service stations |
Re-used oil,
Vacuum pumps |
Waste recycling and recovery plants and sites |
equipment, Small capacitors (in washing machines, hair dryers, neon tubes,
dishwashers, power supply units, etc.), Circuit breakers, Lighting ballasts,
Building demolition, Fluff, Spills |
• Information on former PCBs production;
• Information on former PCBs import/export, including information on import/export of wastes for environmental sound disposal;
• Information on PCBs use in closed applications, including number of equipment in use/out of service, mass of equipment in use/out of service, mass of liquids (oil) of equipment in use/out of service;
• Information on PCB containing wastes stockpiles locally and abroad destroyed;
• Information and data on PCB contaminated sites;
• Information and data on former PCBs production for open applications;
• Information and data on former PCBs import/export in open applications;
• Information and data on former PCBs use in open applications: Caulks / sealants; Paints / plasters; Anti-corrosion coatings; Cable-sheaths; Cable insulation; Lubricating fluids; Adhesives; Flame retardants; Floor finish; Carbonless copy paper; Fluorescent light ballasts and small capacitors (products that may still contain PCBs);
• Information and data on PCB from open applications in wastes.
• PCB from open applications can be released into the environment by weathering and inappropriate removal of PCB containing materials. • Wastes generated from PCB use in open applications are usually not defined as hazardous waste • PCB applications can be found throughout industrial facilities and other buildings, it is therefore important to also identify these applications. • Detection of PCB in open applications is only possible if the (building) material is sampled and analysed in a laboratory. • The recording of data of buildings, facilities, objects and materials with PCB in open applications after their identification would minimize the risks of inexpert treatment, non-environmentally sound management and disposal and therefore minimize the impact on the environment and the human health. • Many buildings worldwide, especially those constructed or renovated between the 1950s and the early 1980s, contain PCB in a wide variety of applications which emit PCB into the environment.
PCBs in closed applications See Guidance Module PCBs in open applications See Guidance Module
UNEP, 2016. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB) Inventory Guidance. http://chm.pops.int/Implementation/IndustrialPOPs/PCB/Guidance/tabid/665/Default.aspx
UNEP, 2019c. Consolidated Guidance on PCB in Open Applications. http://chm.pops.int/Implementation/IndustrialPOPs/PCB/Guidance/tabid/665/Default.aspx
Substance |
number |
description |
Annex |
exemption |
purpose |
Hexabromodiphenyl ether and
heptabromodiphenyl ether (commercial octabromodiphenyl ether) |
CAS No: 68631-49-2 CAS No: 207122-15-4 CAS No: 446255-22-7 CAS No: 207122-16-5 |
Commercial mixture of octaBDE is highly
persistent, has a high potential for bioaccumulation and food-web
biomagnification, as well as for long-range transport. The only degradation
pathway is through debromination and producing other bromodiphenyl ethers. Alternatives generally exist and there is
no information about any current production. However, it is reported that
many articles in use still contain these chemicals. |
A |
in accordance with provisions of Part IV of Annex A |
None |
Tetrabromodiphenyl ether and pentabromodiphenyl ether (commercial
pentabromodiphenyl ether) |
CAS No: 5436-43-1 CAS No: 60348-60-9 |
Commercial mixture of pentaBDE is highly
persistent in the environment, bioaccumulative and has a high potential for
long-range environmental transport. These chemicals have been detected in
humans in all regions. There is evidence of its potential for toxic effects
in wildlife, including mammals. Alternatives are available and used to
replace these substances in many countries, although they might also have
adverse effects on human health and the environment. Alternatives might not
be available for use in military airplanes. The identification and also
handling of equipment and wastes containing brominated diphenyl ethers is
considered a challenge. |
A |
in accordance with the provisions of Part V of Annex A |
None |
Decabromodiphenyl ether (commercial
mixture, c-decaBDE) |
CAS No: 1163-19-5 |
DecaBDE is used as an additive flame
retardant, and has a variety of applications including in
plastics/polymers/composites, textiles, adhesives, sealants, coatings and
inks. DecaBDE containing plastics are used in housings of computers and TVs,
wires and cables, pipes and carpets. Commercially available decaBDE
consumption peaked in the early 2000's, but c-decaBDE is still extensively
used worldwide. |
A |
allowed for the Parties listed in the Register of Specific Exemptions |
None |
Source: Stockholm Convention website
Polymers/materials |
Application |
Articles |
Acrylnitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) |
Polymer casings/parts in electric and
electronic appliances |
Computer- and TV casings (CRTs); office
equipment; (other electronic
equipment) |
High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS) |
Polymer casings/parts in electric and
electronic appliances |
Computer- and TV casings (CRTs); office
equipment |
Cold-resistant layer |
Refrigerator |
Polybutylen-Terephtalate (PBT) |
Polymer casings |
Electronic appliances |
Transport sector |
Connectors in vehicles |
Household |
Iron |
Polyamide-Polymers |
Textiles |
Furniture |
Construction |
Pipes and plastic foil |
Source: ESWI. 2011. Study on waste related issues of newly listed POPs and candidate POPs. Final Report 25. March 2011 (update 13. April 2011) for European Commission. No ENV.G.4/FRA/2007/0066.
Materials/polymers/resins |
Applications |
Articles |
Polyurethane (PUR) |
Cushioning materials, packaging, padding, construction |
Furniture, transportation, sound insulation,
packaging, padding panels, rigid PUR foam construction |
Textiles |
Coatings |
Back coatings and impregnation for carpets, automotive seating,
furniture in homes and official buildings, aircraft, underground |
Epoxy resins |
Circuit boards, protective coatings |
Computers, ship interiors, electronic parts |
Rubber |
Transportation |
Conveyor belts, foamed pipes for insulation |
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) |
Cable sheets |
Wires, cables, floor mats, industrial sheets |
Unsaturated (Thermoset) polyesters (UPE) |
Circuit boards, coatings |
Electrical equipment, coatings for chemical processing plants
mouldings, military and marine applications: construction panels |
Paints/lacquers |
Coatings |
Marine and industry lacquers for protection of containers |
Hydraulic oils |
Drilling oils, hydraulic fluids |
Off shore, coal mining |
Source: UNEP, 2009. Guidance on feasible flame-retardant alternatives to commercial Pentabromodiphenyl ether UNEP/POPS/COP.4/INF/24.
Sector/ industry |
Applications |
End use |
Electric and electronics industry |
Electric and electronic equipment |
housings and internal
components of TVs ·
mobile phones and fax
machines ·
audio and video equipment;
remote controls ·
communications cables;
building cables ·
wire and cables, e.g.,
heat shrinkable tubes ·
connectors in E&E
equipment ·
circuit breakers; coils of
bobbins ·
printing and photocopy
machine components - toner ·
cartridges and connectors ·
scanner components ·
heating fans and hair
dryers |
Private and public transportation |
Automotive vehicles |
fabric (back-coating of
article) ·
reinforced plastics ·
under the hood or dash
polymers ·
terminal /fuse block ·
higher amperage wire &
cable jacketing (sparkplug wire) ·
electric and electronic
equipment |
Maritime, aviation and aeronautic |
Ships, boats, airplanes, space shuttles, rockets |
electrical wiring and
cables ·
electric and electronic
equipment (as above) ·
air ducts for ventilation
systems ·
electrical ducts and
fittings ·
switches and connectors ·
adhesive tape ·
composite materials e.g.
epoxy |
Textiles and furniture |
Textiles and furniture |
automotive textiles ·
upholstery textiles e.g.
sofas, offices chairs, mattresses ·
filters for cookers ·
blinds, draperies,
blackout curtains ·
geotextiles, wall
coverings ·
appliances ·
PU flexible foam ·
tents and tarps ·
interliners; foam fillings ·
carpets ·
other |
Buildings/construction |
Insulation (PUR and
formerly XPS foams) ·
facing laminates for
insulation panel ·
cladding panels ·
film for use under the
roof and to protect building areas ·
cables and electrical
ducts and fittings ·
piping insulation and
pipes |
The main objectives of the inventory are to (UNEP, 2017d; UNEP, 2019d):
· Review and summarize the information and data on:
o Production of POP-PBDEs and related articles/products;
o Import and export of POP-PBDEs and related articles/products;
o Use of POP-PBDEs and related articles/products;
o Stockpiles and wastes containing, or thought to contain POP-PBDEs;
o Disposal of the POP-PBDEs;
· Assess the legal and institutional framework for control of the production, use, import, export and environmentally sound management and disposal of the POP-PBDEs;
· Identify gaps in information and data required to complete the POP-PBDEs inventory;
· Identify suitable alternative products, methods and strategies to the POP-PBDEs;
· Determine need of specific exemptions and register for that exemptions are still allowed;
· Identify the potential POP-PBDEs contaminated sites.
Life-cycle step |
NIP Quantitative data to be generated |
Unit measure |
Remarks |
Production (historical) |
POP-PBDEs produced |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Import/export |
POP-PBDEs imported/exported (historical) |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
POP-PBDEs in articles/products (EEE and vehicles) imported/exported |
Tonnes |
POP-PBDE containing waste imported/exported (WEEE and ELVs) for
environmental sound disposal |
Tonnes |
Use |
POP-PBDEs used to manufacture article/products (EEE and vehicles)
(historical) |
Tonnes |
POP-PBDEs in article/products (EEE and vehicles) in use |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Q III of the Reporting format for the submission of
information for the evaluation and review of brominated diphenyl ethers
pursuant to paragraph 2 of parts IV and V of Annex A to the Stockholm
Convention |
Polymeric fraction containing POP-PBDEs (contained in EEE and
vehicles) |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Q III of the Reporting format for the submission of
information for the evaluation and review of brominated diphenyl ethers
pursuant to paragraph 2 of parts IV and V of Annex A to the Stockholm
Convention |
Stockpiles |
POP-PBDEs in stockpiled article/products (EEE and vehicles) |
Tonnes |
Polymeric fraction containing POP-PBDEs (contained in EEE and
vehicles) |
Tonnes |
Recycling |
containing articles/products (EEE and vehicles) recycled |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Q V of the Reporting format for the submission of
information for the evaluation and review of brominated diphenyl ethers
pursuant to paragraph 2 of parts IV and V of Annex A to the Stockholm
Convention |
Articles/products produced from recycled articles/products containing
Tonnes |
Waste stockpiles |
containing wastes stockpiles (wastes of electric and electronics equipment
(WEEE) and end-of-life vehicles (ELVs)) |
Tonnes |
Data requested
by Art. 15 report |
fraction containing POP-PBDEs, (contained in WEEE and ELVs) |
Tonnes |
Contaminated sites |
Potentially contaminated/contaminated
sites |
Number |
Life-cycle step |
NIP Quantitative data to be generated |
Unit measure |
Remarks |
Production (historical/current) |
DecaBDE produced |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Import/Export |
DecaBDE imported/exported (historical/current) |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
DecBDE in articles/products (EEE, textiles, insulation foams,
vehicles) imported/exported |
Tonnes |
DecaBDE containing waste imported/exported (WEEE, textiles, insulation
foams and ELVs) for environmental sound disposal |
Tonnes |
Use (historical/current) |
DecaBDE used to manufacture article/products (EEE, textiles,
insulation foams, vehicles) (historical/current) |
Tonnes |
DecaBDE in article/products (EEE, textiles, insulation foams,
vehicles) in use |
Tonnes |
Polymeric fraction containing DecaBDE (contained in EEE and vehicles) |
Tonnes |
Stockpiles |
DecaBDE in
stockpiled article/products (EEE, textile, insulation foam and vehicles) |
Tonnes |
Polymeric fraction containing DecaBDEs (contained in EEE and vehicles)
Tonnes |
Recycling |
DecaBDE containing articles/products (EEE, textiles, insulation foam
and vehicles) recycled |
Tonnes |
Articles/products produced from recycled articles/products containing
DecaBDE |
Tonnes |
Waste stockpiles |
DecaBDE containing wastes stockpiles (WEEE, textiles, insulation foams
and ELVs) |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Polymeric fraction containing DecaBDE (contained in WEEE and ELVs) |
Tonnes |
Contaminated sites |
contaminated/contaminated sites |
Number |
Source: UNEP, 2019d. Guidance on preparing inventories of decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE). UNEP/POPS/COP.9/INF/18
Sector |
Activities |
Facility locations |
POP-PBDEs production |
Production |
industry |
Destruction of
production waste |
Sites where
production waste has been destroyed |
Deposition of
production wastes |
Landfills related
to waste from production |
Former water
discharge |
River sediment
and banks related to releases from production site |
Application of
Production sites
of POP-PBDE-containing polymers |
Production site
and deposited wastes |
Textile industry
and other industries formerly using POP-PBDEs |
Production site
and landfill with deposited wastes, river sediment and banks related to
releases |
Oil drilling |
Contaminated soil
and groundwater, off-shore contamination |
treatment |
Recycling area of
Recycling areas
and landfills with deposited wastes and ashes |
Metal industries
treating POP-PBDE- containing materials |
Production site
and deposited wastes/ashes |
Deposition of
POP-PBDE-containing waste |
Landfill and
surrounding from leachate from POP-PBDE- containing wastes |
Incineration of
waste |
Deposits of ash
from incineration |
Discharge of
POP-PBDEs via wastewater |
Sewage sludge |
Application sites
of sewage sludge containing POP-PBDEs |
Agriculture land |
UNEP, 2017d. Full guidance for preparing inventories of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention (full guidance). UNEP/POPS/COP.7/INF/27 (revised 2017)
• Information on the number of CRT appliances/capita;
• Information on the country population for the inventory year.
• Once the CRT per capita data have been estimated, the POP-PBDEs content in CRT casings (TVs and computer monitors), flat screens can be calculated taking into consideration the following additional data:
• Population of the respective country;
• Weight of the CRTs: 25 kg per device (estimated average weight of a CRT monitor, either TV or PC monitor);
• Polymer content of CRT casings: 30% of the CRT weight (estimated average);
• A range of hexa/hepaBDE 0.47-1.37 kg/tonne, and 3.2 to 4.4 kg/tonne for decaBDE for plastic used in CRT casings (estimated average).
A range of hexa/hepaBDE and decaBDE in CRT devices can be calculated as follows:
Mhexa/heptaBDE (i) (CRTs) = [Number of CRTs/capitaRegion] x population x 25 kg x 0.3 x [0.00047 to 0.00137]
MdecaBDE(i) (CRTs) = [Number of CRTs/capitaRegion] x population x 25 kg x 0.3 x [0.0032 to 0.0044]
• Information on the number of CRT units (TVs and computer monitors) imported, in use/stockpiled at consumer level (Private consumers (households); Institutional consumers (public institutions, government, parastatals, health and educational sector); Corporate consumers (hotels, large businesses (industries), small business enterprises)), and entering the end of life (WEEE);
• Information on the number of flat screen TVs (including inch size) imported, in use/stockpiled at consumer level and, entering the end of life (WEEE).
MPBDE(i) = MEEE(j) x fPolymer(k) x CPBDE(i);Polymer(k)
is the amount of POP-PBDEs (i) in [kg] in import/stockpiled/entering the
waste stream
(in Polymer (k) of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) (j)).
is the amount of EEE (j) in [in tonnes]
(imported, stockpiled or entering the waste stream) – collected via EEE
inventory, importers, retailers, waste managers.
• fPolymer is the total polymer fraction in [weight-%]
• CPBDE(i);Polymer is the content of the POP-PBDEs (decaBDE and hepta/hexaBDE) (i) in the total polymer fraction in [kg/tonne]
Mhexa/heptaBDE (i) (CRTs) = Number of CRT units (TVs and monitors) x 25 kg (average weight) x 30% (polymeric fraction) x [0.00047 to 0.00137 – POP-PBDEs content]
MdecaBDE(i) (CRTs) = Number of CRT units (TVs and monitors) x 25 kg (average weight) x 30% (polymeric fraction) x [0.0032 to 0.0044 – POP-PBDEs content]
Mhexa/hepta/decaBDE(i) (Flat screen TVs) = Number of Flat screen TVs x 13 kg (32 inch Flat screen TVs) or 39 kg (60 Inch Flat screen TVs) x 0.37 (polymeric fraction) x [0.000009 + 0.00275 – POP-PBDEs content]
• Information on number of vehicles manufactured between 1975-2004 (when c-PentaBDE was used) – imported, in use, entering end of life;
• Information on number of vehicles manufactured between 2005-2017 (when c-DecaBDE was used) – imported, in use, entering end of life.
The average polymers (plastic, foams and synthetics) in cars are approximately 15 %. Considering an average weight of a car (1.333 t) this means that approximately 200 kg are polymers. Please note: The polymer content and the weight of vehicles changes over time with increasing share of polymers.
• In order to calculate the amount of POP-PBDEs in vehicles, information on vehicles fabrication year (distinguishing between vehicles fabricated 1975-2004 and 2005-2017) imported, in use (registered) and entering the end of life (ELVs).
• Based on global data from PBDEs in shredder residues and recalculated average of PBDEs content of individual cars, the POP-PBDE content is
• 80 g decaBDE for vehicles produced before 2005 for all regions; except for the US with high use of c-PentaBDE of 40 g decaBDE and 40 g c-PentaBDE in average car* can be assumed;
• 20 g decaBDE for vehicles produced 2005 to 2017;
• 0 g decaBDE/PBDEs for vehicles produced 2017 onwards if no exemption for decaBDE is made.
• Based on this practical approach the following formula can be used to estimate the PBDE amount in vehicles:
Total PBDEs in vehicles (imported/in use/end of
life) = Vehicles (1975 - 2004) x 80 g decaBDE* + Vehicles (2005- 2017) x 20 g
*For the US it is assumed that the content is 40 g decaBDE and 40 g
c-PentaBDE were included in average vehicle before 2005
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in imported EEE in particular the exempted EEE uses (heating equipment) and electronics with recorded uses of decaBDE (LCD TVs);
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in major WEEE plastic fractions;
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in bromine separation of WEEE plastic for recycling;
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in recycled WEEE plastic used for new products.
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in spare parts on the market;
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in individual vehicles;
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in plastic and other polymers and textile covers from trains, aeroplanes and ships;
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in ASR fractions and of bromine separation of WEEE plastic for recycling;
• Monitoring information on POP-PBDEs in plastic fraction produced from recycled plastic from ASR or other plastic from transport (train, aeroplane, ship) for the use in new products.
From industrial associations, authorities, and national registers
• Information on (potential) manufacturers in the country;
• Data on production volumes of PBDEs from national office/institute of statistics;
• Information on export of c-decaBDE/PBDEs as substance;
• Information on import quantities of decaBDE and companies importing and finally receiving the decaBDE.
From statistics
• Production volume of c-decaBDE (including CAS number) and decaBDE content;
• Import quantity of c-decaBDE (including CAS number; HS codes used);
• Export quantity of c-decaBDE (including CAS number; HS codes used);
• Information from Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure.
From industrial associations, authorities, and national registers
• Information on potential manufacturers in the country;
• Knowledge on the former and current use of c-decaBDE in industrial sectors;
• Data on production volumes of industrial sectors potentially using decaBDE in production from national office, institute of statistics or associations.
From national manufacturers
• Information on productions of plastic housings and parts used for heating home appliances (exempted use) and other electronics (non-exempted use);
• Information on productions of exempted parts for the use in vehicles and other parts in vehicles which requiring anti-flammable characteristics and possibly use decaBDE;
• Information on DecaBDE used in the productions of textiles requiring anti-flammable characteristics;
• Information on DecaBDE used in the production of polyurethane foam for insulation (exempted use) and other polyurethane foams requiring anti-flammable characteristics (not exempted);
• Information on recycling potentially decaBDE (and other POP-PBDE) containing materials (e.g. e-waste plastic, PUR foam and other polymers from construction; polymers from vehicles).
From statistics
• Import of c-decaBDE or sourcing in the country by the individual production sectors;
• Quantity of plastic housings and parts used for heating home appliances (exempted use) and other plastic from electronics requiring (non-exempted use);
• Quantity of exempted parts for the use in vehicles and other parts in vehicles which are flame retarded and might use decaBDE (not exempted);
• Quantity of polyurethane foam used in insulation (exempted use) and other polyurethane foams requiring anti-flammable characteristics (not exempted);
• Quantity of textiles requiring anti-flammable characteristics, including clothing and toys requiring anti-flammable characteristics (not exempted).
From industrial associations and user/companies
• Information on past and current use of textiles with anti-flammable characteristics and products containing these textiles.
From national statistics (e.g. national bureau of statistics, central bank)
• Information on the individual textile products potentially containing decaBDE;
• Information on importers, retailers trading and selling these products;
• Information on manufacturing of textiles products.
Use of DecaBDE treated textiles in major areas and uses
Areas of use |
Specific applications of
textiles |
Transport |
• Passenger cars, busses • Trains, Airplanes, Ships |
Public occupancy spaces |
• Curtains and other draperies of theatres, hotels, conference rooms,
student dormitories • Mattress ticking in hotels |
High risk occupancy spaces |
• Furniture and mattresses of nursing homes, hospitals, prisons |
Military |
• Tarps, tents • Protective clothing |
Source: RPA, 2014
• Information about existing past and current use of PUR foam insulation and other polymers in construction;
• Information on the individual products potentially containing decaBDE:
• PUR foam on the market;
• Other polymers used in construction;
• Information on importers, retailers trading and selling these products;
• Information on major construction companies which might use insulation foams and other polymers in construction possibly containing decaBDE.
From producers of c-decaBDE and related industrial association
• Total yearly production of c-decaBDE;
• Detailed information on use of decaBDE in manufacturing;
• Information on end-of-life management of wastes from decaBDE in production and fate.
From importers and exporters of c-decaBDE
• Import quantity of c-decaBDE;
• Export quantity of decaBDE (including related countries and HS codes and PIC procedure);
• Detailed information on decaBDE imported/exported.
From Industrial associations and user/companies
• Information on total yearly consumption of c-decaBDE in the individual industrial processes;
• Information on total quantity of products manufactured containing decaBDE;
• Detailed information on c-decaBDE used (decaBDE content, other PBDEs; other impurities);
• Information on final decaBDE content in the products in the individual use sectors;
• Information on quantity of products produced from recycled plastics or PUR foam containing decaBDE (not exempted) or other POPs-PBDEs (exempted) and decaBDE content in the recycled material and in the products;
• Information on end-of-life management and fate of decaBDE in the individual use sectors;
• Information on alternatives to decaBDE used in the manufacturing of the different products.
From customs statistics
• Information on import of textiles requiring anti-flammable characteristics;
• Information on import of products containing flame retarded textiles;
• Information on import of second hand textiles for reuse and recycling.
From retailers and industry and associations
• Information on past and current sales and use of textiles containing decaBDE or other POPs (HBCD, SCCPs);
• Information on use/sale of flame retarded textiles in productions (furniture, transport; mattresses);
• Information on use/sale of flame retarded textiles and mattresses in public spaces (hospitals, prisons, hotels; fire fighters) and military (tents, tarps, protective clothing);
• Information on recycling of textiles and management of flame retarded textiles part.
From textile sector
• Information on insulation materials used and related flame retardant standards and flame retardants used;
• Information on recycling of textiles and management of flame retarded textiles.
From Waste and recycling sector
• Information on amount of textile waste;
• Information on management of flame retarded textiles;
• Data on PBDEs, HBCD, and SCCPs in textile recycling;
• Information on techniques on removal of decaBDE/HBCD and other POPs containing textiles in recycling.
DecaBDE in textiles in use/stock – Tier II calculation equation
• If the product volume of c-decaBDE containing textiles could be compiled or can be estimated, then the following equation can be used to estimate the total quantity of decaBDE present in products and stocks:
TdecaBDE = PQtot x CdecaBDE
PQtot= Total quantity of textiles containing decaBDE (individually calculated for import, sold or in use/stock)
TdecaBDE= Total quantity of decaBDE in polymers
CdecaBDE= % of decaBDE in the product
DecaBDE concentration in some treated textile applications
c-DecaBDE application in
Textiles |
DecaBDE content |
References |
Various textiles |
1.55-6.42 % |
Earls (2007) |
Treated tent textiles |
3.8 % |
Keller et al. 2014 |
Velour pile fabrics: 70 – 80 g/m2 |
21 – 32 g/m2 |
ECB (2002) |
Cotton: 30 – 40 g/m2 |
9 – 16 g/m2 |
ECB (2002) |
Flat wovens (other types): 30 – 80 g/m2 (40 – 50 g/m2) |
9 – 32 g/m2 |
ECB (2002) |
Camping tent |
2 g/tent |
RPA 2014 |
From customs statistics
• Information on import of PUR foam used for construction purposes;
• Information on import of waste PUR foam for recycling;
• Information on import of other polymers used in construction.
From retailers and industry and retailers
• Information on sales of PUR foam and other polymers for construction containing decaBDE or other POPs (HBCD, SCCPs);
• Information on presence of decaBDE in the past in PUR foam and XPS foam and other polymers used in construction;
• Information on current and former sales of fire-retardant paints containing decaBDE (or SCCP);
• Information on sales of fire-retardant paints containing decaBDE (or SCCP).
From construction sector
• Information on insulation materials used and related flame retardant standards and flame retardants used.
From construction and demolition waste sector
• Information on amount of PUR foam and other foams in C&D waste;
• Data on PBDEs, HBCD, PCBs and SCCPs in C&D waste fractions;
• Information on management of PUR foam, XPS and other foams in C&D waste;
• Information on management of other polymers.
DecaBDE in PUR foam or
other polymers in construction – Tier II calculation equation
• If the total product volume of c-decaBDE containing PUR foam or other polymers in construction are known, then the following equation can be used to estimate the total quantity of decaBDE present in these products and stocks:
TdecaBDE = PQtot x CdecaBDE
PQtot= Total quantity of PUR foam or other polymers containing decaBDE (individually calculated for import, sold or in use/stock)
TdecBDE= Total quantity of decaBDE in polymers
% of decaBDE in the product
DecaBDE concentration in polymers/plastic in construction
Uses |
Content (% wt) |
References |
PUR foam in insulation* |
4 – 13% |
Leisewitz & Schwarz 2000 |
PUR foam fillers* |
22% |
Leisewitz & Schwarz 2000 |
Extruded polystyrene (XPS) |
2% |
Morf et al. 2003 |
PE insulating foam |
20% |
Morf et al. 2003 |
PE plastic sheeting PP plastic sheeting |
10% |
Morf et al. 2003 |
PVC plastic sheeting |
5% |
Morf et al. 2003 |
Roller blind and curtain* |
4% |
Kajiwara et al. 2013 |
Adhesive layer of reflective tapes |
1 – 5% |
RPA 2014 |
Intumescent paint* |
2.5 – 10% |
RPA 2014 |
• Monitoring information on the c-decaBDE product for PBDE composition to determine the content of decaBDE and lower brominated PBDEs;
• Monitoring information on unintentional Polybrominated dibenzofurans (PBDFs) in c-decaBDE to clarify their relevance in the product and possibly give an indication on the need to modify and optimize production conditions.
• Monitoring information on products containing decaBDE in the manufacturing sectors;
• Pre-screening of bromine in the products (see the guidance on screening of POPs in products; Secretariat of the Stockholm Convention 2017);
• Monitoring information on DecaBDE content in recycled plastic and other recycled materials used in the manufacturing of products;
• Monitoring information on c-decaBDE mixtures used in production for PBDEs composition and for decaBDE content.
• Detailed assessment of alternatives to c-decaBDE including an assessment or ranking of the alternatives in respect to POPs criteria.
• Monitoring information on current products on the market and products in use and in end-of-life;
• Monitoring information on recycling of textiles and the products produced from recycled textiles;
• Monitoring information on PBDEs or HBCD of textiles, including screening and analysis (if textile samples are taken from products like cars or trains or airplanes then the information on the type of vehicle and year of production should be noted to finally get an overview on the use of decaBDE in textiles in these sectors).
• Monitoring information on current products on the market and products in use which can be sampled in the demolition and renovation of houses;
• Monitoring information on foams and other polymers from construction used in recycling and the products produced from recycled materials;
• Monitoring information on polymer products containing PBDEs or HBCD, including screening and analysis (if samples are taken from renovation and from demolition then the information on the year of installation should be noted to finally get an overview until which period decaBDE has been used e.g. in XPS and when it was substituted by HBCD and alternatives to HBCD).
Aina M, Djeri
I.O, Seck M, Rochat D, Schluep M. 2011. Rapport technique d’étude de diagnostic sur la gestion des DEEE au Bénin,”
CSEE, MEPN, BCRC-S, SOFIES, Empa, Cotonou, Benin.
BCCC-Nigeria, EMPA. 2011. Nigeria e-Waste Country Assessment. Report of component 1&2 of the UNEP SBC E-waste Africa Project for Nigeria. Ibadan/Nigeria and St.Gallen/Switzerland.
BfS. 2011. Informationsgesellschaft – Indikatoren: Haushalte und Bevölkerung - IKT-Ausstattung. Bundesamt für Statistik BfS, Switzerland.http://www.bfs.admin.ch/bfs/portal/de/index/themen/16/04/key/approche_globale.indicat or.30103.301.html?open=308#308 Accessed 30 November 2011.
Earls, A., 2007. Determination of specific brominated flame retardants in textiles, London, United Kingdom: Department of Trade and Industry.
ESWI. 2011. Study on waste related issues of newly listed POPs and candidate POPs. Final Report 25. March 2011 (update 13. April 2011) for European Commission. No ENV.G.4/FRA/2007/0066.
Green Advocacy, Empa. 2011. Ghana e-Waste Country Assessment. Report of component 1&2 of the UNEP SBC E-waste Africa Project for Ghana. Accra, Ghana: Ghana & Switzerland. http://www.ewasteguide.info/Amoyaw-Osei_2011_GreenAd-Empa
Gregory J, Nadeau M, Kirchain R. 2009. Supply and Demand in the Material Recovery System for Cathode Ray Tube Glass. ISSST '09. IEEE International Symposium on Sustainable Systems and Technology, Phoenix, USA.
Kajiwara N, Takigami H, Kose T, Suzuki G, Sakai S. 2014. Brominated flame retardants and related substances in the interior materials and cabin dusts of end-of-life vehicles collected in Japan. Organohalogen Compounds 76, 1022-1025. http://www.dioxin20xx.org/pdfs/2014/1015.pdf
Keller, A. Raju NP, Webster TF, Stapleton HM. 2014. Flame Retardant Applications in Camping Tents and Potential Exposure. Environ Sci Technol Lett 1(2), 152-155.
León J. 2010. Modelling computer waste flows in the formal and informal sector – a case study in Colombia. Master thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Leisewitz, A.; Schwarz, W. (2000), "Erarbeitung von Bewertungsgrundlagen zur Substitution umweltrelevanter Flammschutzmittel. Flammhemmende Ausrüstung ausgewählter Produkte - anwendungsbezogene Betrachtung: Stand der Technik, Trend, Alternativen", Report no. 01/27. UBA-Texte. 000171/2. UBA-FB. German Federal Agency for the Environment, Berlin.
Messou A, Koffi Y.B, Seck M, Rochat D, Schluep M. 2011. Rapport technique
d’étude de diagnostic sur la gestion des DEEE en Côte d’Ivoire,” CECAF, MINEEF,
BCRC-S, SOFIES, EMPA, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Morf L, Taverna R, Daxbeck H, Smutny R. 2003. Selected polybrominated flame retardants PBDEs and TBBPA. Substance flow analysis. Environmental Series No. 338. Environmental hazardous substances. Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape
RPA (Risk&Policy Analysts). 2014. Support to an Annex XV Dossier on Bis-(pentabromophenyl) ether (DecaBDE). Multiple Framework Contract with Reopening of competition for Scientific Services for ECHA. Reference: ECHA/2011/01 Service Request SR 14. Final Report 7 July 2014.
UNEP. 2009. Guidance on feasible flame-retardant alternatives to commercial Pentabromodiphenyl ether UNEP/POPS/COP.4/INF/24.
UNEP. 2014. Supporting information related to the draft risk profile on decabromodiphenyl ether. UNEP/POPS/POPRC.10/INF/5.
UNEP, 2017d. Full guidance for preparing inventories of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) listed under the Stockholm Convention (full guidance). UNEP/POPS/COP.7/INF/27 (revised 2017). http://chm.pops.int/Implementation/NationalImplementationPlans/Guidance/tabid/7730/Default.aspx
UNEP, 2019d. Guidance on preparing inventories of decabromodiphenyl ether (decaBDE). UNEP/POPS/COP.9/INF/18. http://chm.pops.int/Implementation/NationalImplementationPlans/Guidance/tabid/7730/Default.aspx
Substance |
CAS number |
Short description |
Annex |
Specific exemption |
Acceptable purpose |
1,2,5,6,9,10-hexabromocyclododecane |
25637-99-4 3194-55-6 |
HBCD is used a
flame retardant additive, providing fire protection during the service life
of vehicles, buildings or articles, as well as protection while stored. The
main uses of HBCD globally are in expanded and extruded polystyrene foam
insulation while the use in textile applications and electric and electronic
appliances is smaller. The production of HBCD is a batch-process. Elemental bromine
is added to cyclododecatriene at 20 to 70°C in the presence of a solvent in a
closed system. |
A |
None |
Major HBCD use:
• expanded and extruded polystyrene (EPS/XPS) polymers where the largest amount were/are used in construction (>90% of total HBCD).
Minor HBCD use:
• EPS packaging;
• specific textile coating applications such as performance textiles (e.g. upholstery transport/furniture, curtains);
• specific clothing (e.g. fire fighters; military; children sleepwear);
• polymers in electronics (in particular in High Impact Polystyrene (HIPS)).
The main objectives of the inventory are to (UNEP, 2019e):
· Review and summarize the information and data on:
o Production of HBCD and related articles/products;
o Import and export of HBCD and related articles/products;
o Use of HBCD and related articles/products;
o Stockpiles and wastes containing, or thought to contain HBCD;
o Disposal of the HBCD;
· Assess the legal and institutional framework for control of the production, use, import, export and environmentally sound management and disposal of the HBCD;
· Identify gaps in information and data required to complete the HBCD inventory;
· Identify suitable alternative products, methods and strategies to the HBCD;
· Determine need of specific exemptions and register for that exemptions are still allowed;
· Identify the potential HBCD contaminated sites.
Life-cycle step |
NIP Quantitative data to be generated |
Unit measure |
Remarks |
Production (historical/current) |
HBCD produced |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Import/export |
HBCD imported/exported (as powder or pellets, as master-batches, as
HBCD containing EPS beads and high impact polystyrene (HIPS) pellets) |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
HBCD in articles/products imported/exported (especially EPS and XPS in
construction sector and flame retarded textile applications) |
Tonnes |
HBCD containing waste imported/exported for environmental sound
disposal |
Tonnes |
Use |
HBCD used to manufacture article/products (historical/current,
especially EPS and XPS in construction sector and flame retarded textile
applications) |
Tonnes |
HBCD in article/products in use (especially EPS and XPS in
construction sector and flame retarded textile applications) |
Tonnes |
Recycling |
materials containing HBCD recycled |
Tonnes |
Articles/products made from recycled HBCD containing materials |
Tonnes |
Content of HBCD in articles/products made from recycled materials |
Mg/Kg |
Waste stockpiles ((a) HBCD as chemical; (b) HBCD containing mixtures
and articles; (c) HBCD-containing waste from demolition; d) HBCD-containing
other wastes; (e) waste generated during recycling |
containing waste stockpiles |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Related HBCD content |
Percentage (%) |
Contaminated sites |
Potentially contaminated/contaminated sites |
Number |
Sectors |
Stakeholders |
For all uses |
Production of HBCD |
Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) Extruded Polystyrene (XPS) in construction and buildings and in
packaging |
Polymer dispersion for textiles in treated applications |
Other uses (HIPS, latex binders, adhesives and paints) |
Companies recycling HBCD containing materials |
End-of-life treatment |
Source: UNEP, 2019e. Guidance on preparing inventories of hexabromobyclododecane (HBCD). UNEP/POPS/COP.7/16/HBCD (revised 2019)
Life cycle stage; Sector |
Activities |
Locations |
HBCD production |
Production |
Production site |
Destruction of production waste |
Sites where
production waste has been destroyed |
Disposal of waste
from production |
Landfills related
to wastes from production |
Former water
discharge |
River sediment
and banks related to releases from production site |
Sites where HBCD
were used in EPS and XPS production and in textile and related industries |
EPS/XPS industry
currently or formerly using HBCD |
Site of
production Landfill site of
related wastes Impacted surface
waters (sediment and flood plains) |
Textile industry
and other industries (formerly) using HBCD Factories
micronising HBCD |
Site of
production; Landfill site of
related wastes; Impacted surface
waters (sediment and flood plains) |
Use of articles
and products containing HBCD |
Sites where
textiles containing HBCD is used |
Soil impacted
from buildings/city [1] |
Accidental fire
in building |
around fire accidents with HBCD XPS/EPS |
treatment |
Recycling area of
HBCD containing materials |
Recycling areas
and landfills with deposited wastes |
Deposition of
HBCD-containing waste |
Landfill and
surrounding from leachate from HBCD- wastes |
Open burning or
non-BAT incineration of HBCD-containing waste [20] |
Related sites and
sites were residues/ashes are disposed |
Application sites
of HBCD impacted sludge |
Agriculture land |
[1] The comparison
of HBCD in soils in UK cities compared to rural environment revealed higher
levels in cities with elevated concentration in some city soils (Harrad et
al. 2010). For one house a transec study found decreasing HBCD levels in
soils with increasing distance from the house which were below 1 mg/kg (0.29
mg/kg at 3 m; 0.12 mg/kg at 5 m, 0.035 mg/kg at 7 m and 0.015 mg/kg at 12 m
distance, Desborough 2011). [2] The combustion
of HBCD-containing waste in state of art incinerators does not lead to
relevant releases of HBCD or PBDD/F (Mark et al. 2015; Weber et al. 2003). |
Source: UNEP, 2019e. Guidance on preparing inventories of
hexabromobyclododecane (HBCD). UNEP/POPS/COP.7/16/HBCD (revised 2019)
• A list of authorities relevant to the production, import, and use of HBCD;
• Information on past and present fire regulations related to buildings, insulation materials, and textiles;
• A list of producers, exporters, and importers of HBCD;
• Initial information on production and import of HBCD in the country;
• A list of potential users of HBCD;
• Initial information on the uses of HBCD in the country;
• Information on production volumes, import and trade of HBCD including products and articles containing HBCD;
• List of products/articles on the consumer market that may contain HBCD;
• Estimates of service life of the products/articles containing HBCD;
• Initial information on waste management of articles that may contain HBCD.
• Quantity of HBCD produced and used in the past;
• Quantity of HBCD produced and used currently in manufactured products and articles, including production of EPS and XPS for use in buildings (exempted use) and possibly in other uses (e.g. packaging, textile, HIPS for electronics);
• Quantities of HBCD present in articles and products such as in EPS and XPS in use in building and construction sector and possibly in packaging and other uses (e.g. furniture, ornaments, logos);
• Quantities of HBCD in use in flame-retardant textiles (e.g. upholstery in buildings and vehicles);
• Quantities of HBCD in use in other applications (minor uses such as HIPS and adhesives), where relevant;
• Quantities of HBCD in stockpiles and wastes;
• Current and former production sites of HBCD;
• Information on manufacturing sites of HBCD containing products and articles;
• Information on waste collection centres and recyclers;
• Information on waste management facilities;
• Information on end-of-life vehicles treatment facilities;
• Monitoring information on materials containing HBCD;
• Monitoring information on HBCD in EPS and XPS;
• Monitoring information on HBCD in EPS and XPS waste;
• Monitoring information on HBCD in materials resulted from recycling.
[1] Submissions by Canada and PlasticsEurope/Exiba to the Stockholm Convention, 2011 (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.7/19/Add.1) (UNEP, 2011).
[2] BFRIP 2005, XPSA and CPIA, PlasticsEurope/Exiba submissions to the Stockholm Convention, 2011 (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.7/19/Add.1) (UNEP, 2011).
[3] European Commission, 2008; Environment Canada and Health Canada, 2011 (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.7/19/Add.1) (UNEP, 2011)
[4] Kajiwara et al, 2009.
[5] ECHA, 2009 (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.7/19/Add.1) (UNEP, 2011).
Desborough JL, 2011. Exploring the utility of chiral signatures to further understanding of soil-to-herbage transfer of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). PhD thesis, University of Birmingham UK.
ECHA (European Chemicals Agency). 2009. Data on Manufacture, Import, Export Uses and Releases of HBCDD as well as Information on Potential Alternatives to Its Use. December 1, 2009. http://echa.europa.eu/doc/consultations/recommendations/tech_reports/tech_rep_hbcdd.pdf.
Harrad S, Desborough J1, and Abdallah M A-E. 2010a. An overview of contamination of the UK environment with HBCD and its degradation products. Organohalogen Compounds 72, 193-196.
Kajiwara N, Sueoka M, Ohiwa T, Takigami H. 2009. Determination of flame-retardant hexabromocyclododecane diastereomers in textiles. Chemosphere 74, 1485-1489.
Mark FE, Vehlow J, Dresch H, Dima B, Grüttner W, Horn J. 2015. Destruction of the flame retardant hexabromocyclododecane in a full-scale municipal solid waste incinerator. Waste Management & Research 33, 165– 174.
UNEP. 2011. Hexabromocyclododecane Risk Management Evaluation. UNEP/POPS/POPRC.7/19/Add.1.
UNEP. 2019e. Guidance on preparing inventories of hexabromobyclododecane (HBCD). UNEP/POPS/COP.7/16/HBCD (revised 2019). http://chm.pops.int/Implementation/NationalImplementationPlans/Guidance/tabid/7730/Default.aspx
Weber R, Kuch B. 2003. Relevance of BFRs and thermal conditions on the formation pathways of brominated and brominated-chlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans. Environment International 29, 699-710.
Source: Stockholm Convention website
Source: ESWI 2011, with modifications
HCBD is generated during the production of (UNEP, 2019f):
• Tetrachloroethylene;
• Trichloroethylene;
• Tetrachloromethane /carbon tetrachloride;
• Chlorine production.
The main objectives of the inventory are to (UNEP, 2019f):
· Review and summarize the information and data on:
o Production of HCBD;
o Import and export of HCBD;
o Use of HCBD;
o Stockpiles and wastes containing, or thought to contain HCBD;
o Disposal of the HCBD;
· Assess the legal and institutional framework for control of the production, use, import, export and environmentally sound management and disposal of the HCBD;
· Identify gaps in information and data required to complete the HCBD inventory;
· Identify the potential HCBD contaminated sites.
Life-cycle step |
NIP Quantitative data to be generated |
Unit measure |
Remarks |
Production as by-product from chlorinated hydrocarbons production
(historical/current) |
HCBD produced (historical) |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
HCBD by-product |
Tonnes |
Related HCBD content |
Percentage (%) |
Import/export (historical/current) |
HCBD imported/exported as by-product (especially for use in
agricultural sector, industrial manufacture, purification of gas streams and
electrical equipment) |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
HCBD containing products and articles imported/exported |
Tonnes |
HCBD containing waste imported/exported for environmental sound
disposal |
Tonnes |
Use (historical/current) |
HCBD used as by-product (especially for use in agricultural sector,
industrial manufacture, purification of gas streams, electrical equipment and
re-distillation and reutilization in the production process (only in case of
closed applications)) |
Tonnes |
HCBD used to
manufacture article/products (especially transformers, heat exchange and
hydraulic fluids) |
Tonnes |
containing products and articles in use (especially transformers, heat
exchange and hydraulic fluids) |
Tonnes |
Waste stockpiles |
HCBD containing waste stockpiles |
Tonnes |
Data requested by Art. 15 report |
Related HCBD content |
Percentage (%) |
Contaminated sites |
Potentially contaminated/contaminated sites |
Number |
Production |
Stakeholders |
General stakeholders |
Production organochlorine solvent and other relevant organochlorine
substances |
(Former) uses & stockpiles
Thermal facilities with unintentional production |
Contaminated sites |
Source: UNEP, 2019f. Guidance on preparing inventories of
hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD). UNEP/POPS/COP.8/INF/18 (revised 2019)
• Information on HCBD separation from the production of organochlorine solvents or related chemicals and marketed as product.
Processes with a high generation of HCBD where HCBD recovery might take place
Process |
HCBD concentration in the
raw product |
Conventional low-pressure chlorolysis for the manufacturing of
perchloroethylene and carbon tetrachloride |
5% (50,000 mg/kg) |
Optimized low-pressure chlorolysis for the manufacturing of perchloroethylene
and carbon tetrachloride |
0.2 to 0.5% (2000 to 5000 mg/kg) |
Manufacturing of tetrachloride and trichloroethylene from acetylene
and chlorine and subsequent decomposition to carbon tetrachloride and
trichloroethylene |
0.4% (4000 mg/kg) |
Manufacturing of hexachlorocyclopentadiene |
0.2 to 1.11 % (2000 to 11,100 mg/kg) |
Source: BUA, 1991; UNEP, 2013
• Information on imports or exports for environmentally sound disposal;
• Information on import and export for use (this might still take place intentionally or unintentionally, and HCBD is still listed on large chemical trading platforms).
Currently HCBD is not listed in the Rotterdam Convention, so HCBD is not subject to the Prior Inform Consent (PIC) procedure and does not have a specific Harmonized System (HS) code. HCBD is traded under the HS code “Other unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons” with other chemicals. The current HS code is not specific enough for assessing imports of HCBD, however, the HS code in combination with the CAS number or trade names (see Table 2 of the guidance) could be used for the search of HCBD at the custom level (UNEP, 2019f).
• Information on current and former trichloroethylene and hexachlorocyclopentadiene production volumes;
• Information on current management of HCBD containing residues (in particular it should be assessed if HCBD is separated from the waste and is commercially marketed);
• Information on past uses of HCBD from the respective production (in case HCBD is or has been separated);
• Information on wastes and their management and related stockpiles from current and former production and impacted landfills.
*A questionnaire has been developed for gathering information from current and former producers of chlorinated solvents and other productions possibly relevant for HCBD generation (Annex 1 of the Guidance on preparing inventories of hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD)).
Processes with proven or reported potential formation of HCBD where HCBD recovery is unlikely
• Information on capacitors and transformers potentially containing HCBD;
• Information on HCBD in heat-transfer liquids and hydraulic fluids (could be assessed within the assessment of PCBs and PCNs in these uses).
• In the past, HCBD has been used for pesticidal/phytosanitary purposes, for example, to combat soil pests including use as fumigant, as seed dressing, as fungicide, as pesticide and as biocide.
• While no current use of HCBD as pesticide has been reported, stockpiles containing or contaminated with HCBD might still exist.
• HCBD should be included within the POPs pesticide stockpiles assessment.
• Information on the current and former management of production residues containing HCBD;
• Information on incineration of waste, technology used and appropriateness and related residues and disposal;
• Information on disposal of production waste and residues to landfills.
BUA, 1991. Hexachlorobutadiene. BUA Report 62. German Chemical Society, S. Hirzel Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft Stuttgart.
Dow Chemicals (1990) Waste Analysis Sheet: Heavy Ends from the distillation of Ethylene Dichlorine in Ethylene Dichloride Production. Plaquemine, LA, February 21.
Environment Canada (2000) Priority Substance List Assessment Report, Hexachlorobutadiene. Canadian Environmental Protection Act 1999, Minister of Public Works and Government Services. http://www.hcsc.gc.ca/ewh-semt/pubs/contaminants/psl2-lsp2/hexachlorobutadiene/index-eng.php
ESWI, 2011. Study on waste related issues of newly listed POPs and candidate POPs, Report for the European Commission, DG Environment, Final Report, 13 April 2011.
Mumma CE, Lawless EW (1975) Survey of Industrial Processing Data: Task I - Hexachlorobenzene and Hexachlorobutadiene Pollution from Chlorocarbon Processing. Midwest Research Institute prepared for US Environmental Protection Agency. June 1975. Available online at National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP).
UNEP, 2013. Risk management evaluation on hexachlorobutadiene. Addendum Report of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee on the work of its ninth meeting. UNEP/POPS/POPRC.9/13/Add.2.
UNEP. 2019f. Guidance on preparing inventories of hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD). UNEP/POPS/COP.8/INF/18 (revised 2019).
U.S. EPA. 1980. Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Hexachlorobutadiene. US Environmental Protection Agency, Criteria and Standards Division, Washington, DC, US. EPA 44/5-80-053; PB-81-117640.
VROM (2002) Hexachlorobutadiene, dossier prepared for Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and the Environment (VROM) in the framework of the UNECE Ad-hoc Expert Group on POPs, edited by Ministry of VROM/DGM (February 2002), Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
PCNs name |
CAS number |
Short description |
Annex |
Specific exemption |
Acceptable purpose |
Dichloronaphthalene |
28699-88-9 C10H6Cl2 |
Made by chemically
reacting chlorine with naphthalene, a soft, pungent solid made from coal or
petroleum and often used for mothproofing. PCNs started to be produced for
high-volume uses around 1910 in both Europe and the United States. To date,
intentional production of PCN is assumed to have ended. PCN are
unintentionally generated during high-temperature industrial processes in the
presence of chlorine. PCNs make effective insulating coatings for electrical
wires. Others have been used as wood preservatives, as rubber and plastic
additives, for capacitor dielectrics and in lubricants. |
A and C |
Use: Production of polyfluorinated naphthalenes, including
octafluoronaphthalene |
None |
Trichloronaphthalene |
1321-65-9 C10H5Cl3 |
Tetrachloronaphthalene |
1335-88-2 C10H4Cl4 |
Pentachloronaphthalene |
1321-64-8 C10H3Cl5 |
Hexachloronaphthalene |
1335-87-1 C10H2Cl6 |
Heptachloronaphthalene |
32241-08-0 C10HCl7 |
Octachloronaphthalene |
2234-13-1 C10Cl8 |
Source: Stockholm Convention website
Sector |
Application |
Transformers and Capacitors |
Capacitor impregnates (Jacobsson
& Asplund, 2000) ·
Transformer and capacitor
fluids (UNECE, 2007; IPCS, 2001) |
Batteries |
Separator in storage
batteries (Jacobsson & Asplund 2000) |
Plastics and cables |
Cable covering
compositions (Jacobsson & Asplund 2000) ·
Additive in plastic
(Jakobsson & Asplund 2000) ·
Intermediate for polymers
and as flame-retardants in plastics (Crookes and Howe 1993; Jacobsson and
Asplund 2000] |
Rubber |
Additive in Neoprene and
possibly other chloroprene with use in printer belts (Yamashita et al. 2003;
Yamamoto et al. 2016) |
Sealants |
Water proof sealants
(NICNAS 2002) |
Paints, lacquers, dyes/dye carrying agents |
anti-corrosion/underwater paints and lacquers (Jacobsson and Asplund 2000) ·
Raw material/feedstock dye
carriers (IPCS 2001; UNEP 2016) |
Wood preservative / fungicide |
Impregnation of wood (IPCS
2001; Jakobsson & Asplund 2000) |
Textile and paper industry |
Coating/impregnation of
paper and textiles for water proofing (Van de Plassche and Schwegler 2002,
Jakobsson & Asplund 2000) ·
Binders in paper coating
and impregnation (NICNAS 2002) |
Oil additives and lubricants |
Additives in oils for
lubrication in gear and machinery (Jakobsson & Asplund 2000; US
Department of Agriculture 1954) ·
Oils in mining sector
(Popp et al. 1997) ·
Cutting oils (Jakobsson
and Asplund 2000) ·
Engine oil additive (Van
de Plassche and Schwegler 2002) · &n |